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What's Happening in Cemeteries of Texas 2008

Gloria B. Mayfield, Project Manager

2003E  2003W- 2004E - 2004W    2005    2006   2007


TEXAS LAWS on Burials

Also would like to mention this link for Funeral Homes   http://www.funeralnet.com/

This is the Ninth Year that I have worked on Cemeteries of TX,  Hope you have enjoy it.\

Cemeteries-of-TX  Server is  moving all the material to a New and Bigger server, therefore for some reason,  It is making a mess of things.    Let me know about the URL and I will be glad to   FIX It.   



Cherokee Co:

Collin Co:   Old Celina   Bios info added

Donley Co:   Rowe

Harrison Co:   add name of cemeteries (B)

Panola Co:   Pinkston Cem   Names add and photos coming

Rains Co:     Re formatting and changing links

Rusk Co.  Perkins photos coming



Brazoria Co:   Phair

Brown Co:   Bangs

Burnet Co:   re-formatted and photos added

Callahan Co:  Cross Plains Cemetery correction

Collins Co. Hogge, Pike Cem,

Concho Co:

Denton Co. Krum Jackson, Jeter Family Cem, Dunham, Trinity Cemetery, Tyson Cem.

Grayson Co:    Sadler Cem +

Hall Co. Lakeview

Kaufman Co. Cedar Grove

Mason Co:  Long Mt

McCelland:  Rosemound

Mitchell Co:  updates on Colo City, CUTHBERT  , Dorn, Loraine, Mitchell, Westbroook

Montgomery Co:   New Meeting times.

Newton Co:   added photos to Wright

Nueces Co:    Sunshine

Orange Co:   Jett Cemetery

Rusk Co.   Pleasant Hill

San Jacinto:  Mt Capers

Scurry Co:   fixed Pyron

Smith Co:  Red Springs,  Bethesda Cemetery with photos

Terry Co:  Meadows

Victoria Co:   Farrer Cemetery + photos



Childress Co:   Kirkland

Collin Co:   Allen, Thompson Cemetery

Denton Co:    Bolivar Cemetery, Krum Jackson Cemetery

Ector Co:   Added info for Ector County Cem2008 + Photos

Hardin Co:  Old Hardin + photos

Midland Co:    Fairview

Motley Co:   additions to the Roaring Springs.

Newton Co: Wright Cemetery

Nolan Co  added map Roscoe and refreshed site

Orange Co:  Williamson Cemetery+ Photos

Tarrant Co:   Community Cemetery news article

Uvalde Co:    added obit to Uvalde City Cem

Van Zandt Co:  Woodside photos, Creagleville + Photos, Sandflat+photos

Walker Co:   Falba Cemetery + photos

Washington Co:  Hueske Cem

Angelina Co:  White House Cemetery

Bastrop Co:  Alta Vista   addition, Williams + photos,

Bowie Co:   Redwater  many many obits....Holy Cross + obits

Callahan Co.   additional info

Cherokee Co:   Ross-Rude Cemetery and photos.  Meadow Cemetery

Collin Co:   Nevada additions, Allen Cemetery,

Denton Co:   added Green valley Cemetery  and Gribble Springs Cem need transcriptions, Cooper Creek,

Donley Co. Update to Rowe Cemetery 1-2007

Eastland Co:    Cross Plains Cemetery

Grimes Co:   Holland Cemetery

Hale Co:   Abernathy Updates

Hansford Co:   Updates thru Dec 2007

Hockley    C0:  Updates  Anton

Hopkins Co:   Mt Carmel additional info

Jack Co:   Hicks 2007

Lubbock Co:  Updates  Becton

Mitchell Co:   Updates on :   Cuthbert, Dorn, Loraine, Mitchell, Westbrook

Newton Co:  corrections  Wright Cem+photos   Buna + photos

Panola Co:  Sugar Hill   name changes, Waldrop dates added.

Parmer Co: Friona Additions   Relink  Parmer Cemeteries

Robertson Co:   Heards Prairie

San Augustine:  Sowell Cemetery

San Saba Co:   J. H. "Shorty"  Brown Cemetery

Smith Co:   Bullard, photo for Rose Hill

Terry Co: Updates Brownfield Cemetery

Van Zandt   Colfax Cemetery

Walker Co:   Fabra Cemetery