Cemeteries of Van Zandt County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated: April 16, 2009

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs  or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.   Unknown Counties Query Board

TXGenWeb- Van Zandt Co.  TX

Camp Matthew F. Lock CSA Historical Marker


Cemetery Name

Location Submitter or Lookup Map Photo
Anonsen Cemetery Wise Comm - - -
Allen Cemetery -  - - -
Asbury Cemetery - - HM -
Barrett Cemetery Edgewood - -
Beard/Baird Cemetery FM 316 on 3080 Ranch Rd - - -
Bethelehem Cemetery east of Canton - - -
Big Rock Cemetery County Road 2909 - - -
Blair/Bundy Cemetery Barron Ridge - - -
Bratcher/Kuykendall Cemetery VZC Road 1121 - - -
Bright Star/McBride Bright Star Cemetery no of Wills Point   Elaine Nall Bay - -
Camp Matthew F. Locke - Swcbp@aol.com
Cana Cemetery soof Wills Point - - -
Carter Cemetery FM 4112 - - -
Central/  Shields Cem CR 1804 - - -
Chiquapin Cemetery west of Hwy 19 - - -
Colfax Cemetery Colfax Wanda Westfall- Brian Nations -
Cool Springs Cemetery partial Hwy 19 near 1651 LesLee Lay -
Corinth Cemetery CR 1255 - - -
Cox Cemetery FM 1653 at CR 4106 - - -
Creagleville Cemetery  partial CR 1818 Kay McKay -
Daniel Cemetery Hwy 64 - - -
Dickerson Cemetery Wisdom Temple      
Douglas Farm Cemetery Hwy 19 - - -
Douthit Graveyard off Hwy 64 - - -
Edgefield Cemetery  (B) Edgewood CR3519 -  (O) -
Edom Cemetery A - C ... FM 279 - (O) -
Edom Cemetery D - G FM 279 - - -
Edom Cemetery H - L FM 279 - - -
Edom Cemetery M - P FM 279 - - -
Edom Cemetery Q - U FM 279 - - -
Edom Cemetery V - Z FM 279 - - -
Elliott Family Cemetery FM 47 - - -
Ellis Chapel Cemetery EdgewoodCR3501 -  (O) -
Elm Grove Cemetery, A-G Elm Grove -  (O) -
Elm Grove Cemetery, H-O Elm Grove - - -
Elm Grove Cemetery, P-Z Elm Grove - - -
Fairview Cemetery VZC Road 3915 - - -
Fairway Garden of Memories Cemetery FM Rd. 16 - (O) -
Fields Cemetery VZC Road 2604 - - -
Flatwood Cemetery Ben Wheeler - - -
Flatt-Roberts/Creed Cemetery FM 47 - - -
Four Mile Cemetery State Road 90 - - -
Frontier Cemetery Red Hill CR 4915 - HM- (O) -
Gammon Cemetery Myrtle Springs

Mike Green

Garden of Memories Cemetery - Jeanne McNutt obit  
Greenwood Cemetery (B) Wills Point -  (O) -
Haven of Memories Cemetery Canton -  (O) -
High Cemetery, A-F  Old Kaufman Road -  (O) -
High Cemetery, G-Ma Old Kaufman Road - - -
High Cemetery, Mc-Sc Old Kaufman Road - - -
High Cemetery, Se-Z Old Kaufman Road - - -
Highland Cemetery  Hwy 859 -  (O) -
Hill/Caldwell/Kennedy Cemetery off Hwy 64 east - - -
Hillcrest Cemetery, A-L SH 19 -  (O) -
Hillcrest Cemetery, M-Z SH 19 - - -
Holly Springs Cem A-Bi... VZCR 4403 -  (O) -
Holly Springs Cemetery, Bl-D VZCR 4403 - - -
Holly Springs Cemetery E-Ha VZCR 4403 - - -
Holly Springs Cemetery He-L VZCR 4403 - - -
Holly Springs Cemetery M-Pe VZCR 4403 - - -
Holly Springs Cemetery Ph-Sh VZCR 4403 - - -
Holly Springs Cemetery, Si-Ta VZCR 4403 - - -
Holly Springs Cemetery, Te-Z VZCR 4403 - - -
Howell Cemetery off Hwy 751 - - -
Jacobs Cemetery VZCR 4908 - - -
Jones Cemetery - - - -
Jones Community Cemetery Jones Comm - - -
Kenedy-Manley-Calhoun ( CR 4927 - O) -
Kennedy Farm Cemetery VZC Road 1651 - - -
Liberty Cemetery  FM 2339 -  (O) -
Lide Cemetery VZC Road 1110 - - -
Loller-Lawler Cemetery private property - - -
McEnturff Cemetery Board Elwood Rd - - -
Marvin Chapel Cemetery, A-G FM 1995 - (O) -
Marvin Chapel Cemetery, H-P FM 1995 - HM -
Marvin Chapel Cemetery, Q-Z FM 1995 - HM -
Mayberry Cemetery (see note below)   Little Hope-Moore Community - - -
Moore Cemetery not known - - -
Morence Cemetery Northeast of Wills Point - - -
Morris Cemetery (partial) - Carole Pope - -
Morris Chapel Cemetery VZCR 4106 - - -
Mt. Lebanon Cemetery         FM 17 - -
Mt. Pisgah Cemetery               VZC Road 4105 - -
Myrtle Springs Cemetery      Myrtle Springs Cemetery Road - -
New Harmony/Primrose Cemetery                                            VZCR 4903 - -
New Hope Cemetery              VZCR 3420 - -
Oak Hill Cemetery         partial Edgewood LesLee Lay
Oakland Cemetery                   CR 1255 photos by Michelle White
Old Bethel Cemetery Old Bethel Road - -
Old Edgewood/Northside Edgewood - - -
Old Stone (Bush) Cemetery VZC Road 1712 - - -
Pate Cemetery FM 17 North - - -
Phalba Cemetery VZCR 2311 - - -
Pole Town Cemetery Hwy 80 and St. Hwy 110 - - -
Pool Family Cemetery private property - - -
Poor Farm Cemetery Canton. - - -
Prairie Creek Cemetery     CR 4910 - -
Prairie Springs Cemetery, Ben Wheeler - -
Redland Community Cemetery VZCR 4823 - - -
Riverside Cemetery Grand Saline - - -
Rock Hill Cemetery Wills Point - - -
Rocky Point Cemetery Wills Point - - -
Rodgers Cemetery _ - - -
Rohrer Cemetery FM 1861 - - -
Ross Cemetery (B) Myrtle Springs - - -
Sand Flat Cemetery  CR 1255 off  FM 17 - -
Silver Lake Cemetery US Hwy. 80 - -
Small Cemetery      partial Pleasant Union Community LesLee Lay
Starr Cemetery             FM 17 - -
Tarver Cemetery       VZCR 2405 - -
Tidmore Cemetery FM 2339 - - -
Toombes-Venible Cemetery - - - -
Unnamed Cemetery VZCR 1709 Padgetts, a Jacks, and a Robinson    

Union Chapel Cemetery

east of Van, TX on HWY 110 Brian Nationa  
Union Grove Cemetery                  FM 751 - -
Walters Family Cemetery (see note below) VZCR 4111 - - -
Wesley Chapel Cemetery   (P)   Watkins Vicki -
Whispering Pines  Cemetery  SH 19-SH80 New Cemetery (1999)
White Rose Cemetery, Wills Point LesLee Lay
Woodall Cemetery Elwood Road - - -
Woodside Cemetery             North FM Rd. 17 - -

Zion Hill Cemetery                         

FM 1861 - -

This page is a part of the Cemeteries of  Texas project and all of the information here is
FREE for you to use. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information,      please contact me 


Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield 

Copyright/page design   by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009