Cemeteries of Coryell County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated: January 10, 2010

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs  or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.   Unknown Counties Query Board

Coryell County Gen Society, Inc.  c/o Gatesville Public Library
811 Main St.
Gatesville, TX 76528
Coryell Co. TXGenWeb County Clerk's Office
P.O.Box 237


Cemetery Name

Location Submitter  More Picture
Arnettt Cemetery Gatesville - - -
Bee House Cemetery partial list Pearl partial by Virginia Berry pic goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Coryell Church Cemetery (P) Coryell Cheryl Crump - -
Davidson Cemetery  Gatesville   HM  
Eagle Springs Cemetery  (partial) Oglesby Cheryl Crump - -
Gatesville Cemetery Gatesville      
Hemmeline Cemetery(P) - partial by Virginia Berry - -
Hillsdale Cemetery (p) FM 1783 partial by Virginia Berry - -
Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery SH 116 Virginia Berry - -
Langford Cemetery off  Highway 281. - - -
Osage Cemtery Crawford   HM  
Pearl Cemetery Purmela Ferne Johnson goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes) goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Pidcoke Cemetery  Gatesville - HM -
Sadler Cemetery Coryell City Carol Rabun goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes) goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Union Valley Cemetery Pidcoke Nicole Wiebe - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)

Warren-Miller Cemetery

Partial Calvin & Suzahn Smith - -
Wood Cemetery Jonesboro - HM -

If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board   

or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.

  Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield 

Copyright/page design  by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009