Hillsdale Cemetery
Coryell County, Cemeteries of Texas
Submitted by Virginia Berry
From the Courthouse in Gatesville, Tx.Take Hwy.84 west to the junction of Hwy.116,
distance of 2 miles, turn left (South) on 116,and follow it 3 miles, to the
junction with FM 1783.Turn right(West) on FM 1783 and follow it 16 or 17 miles, to
the Cemetery.
Graham,Laula b.July 31,1890 d.Nov.7,1890 d/o F.F.&J.E.
Graves,Manassas b.Aug.9,1861 d.July 8,1936"Mother"
Graves,Little Lorena b.Mar.10,1893 d.July 20,1894 d/o W.L.&M.Graves
Rambo,Jack G. b.Aug.31,1907 d.Nov.28,1935"Dad"
Rambo,Ola C. b.Jan.28,1907 d.July 4,1993"Mama"