Breckenridge Cemetery, Stephens County, Texas 1872-2006, the softbound, 295 page, fully indexed city cemetery book with over 8,500 entries is now available. Tombstones, obituaries, and funeral home records were checked to make this survey as complete as possible. Graves are identified by section, block and lot number. Maps of each section are included. Cost is $25 per book and $5 each for shipping.
Rural Cemeteries of Stephens County, Texas, plus Addendum, 1865-2006, is also available for the same price. The rural cemetery book was first published in 1996; a reprint with the added addendum was completed in June, 2006. This book is a complete listing of the 44 cemeteries in the county plus numerous isolated graves. Burials are by cemetery, with a full name index. The rural cemetery book contains over 8,000 entries, and is $25 per book plus $5 shipping if needed.
Addendum to Rural Cemeteries of Stephens County, Texas 1996-2006, for those who own the original book, is available for $5 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling if needed. Burials are by cemetery with a full name index.
Copies of the two books and the Addendum can be obtained at Swenson Memorial Museum, 116 West Walker Street, Breckenridge, TX 76424, 254-559-8471.
For further information contact:
Billie O’Neal at or 254-559-5196; or
Jean Edwards at or 254-559-5834.
Make checks payable to Stephens County Genealogical Society and mail to:
Swenson Memorial Museum, P.O. Box 350, Breckenridge, TX 76424
Name ___________________________________________________________
City _________________________________State______________Zip_______
No. of copies:
_______ Breckenridge Cemetery @ $25 each $ _______
_______ Rural Cemeteries of Stephens County, TX with Addendum @ $25 each _______
_______ Addendum to Rural Cemeteries @ $7.50 each _______
Shipping $5 per book; $2.50 for each Addendum only _______
TOTAL ORDER $ _______