Palo Pinto Co. Cemeteries of TX
Photos and story by Thomas D. and Darline Brown
Check out the McAdams - Pickwick Cemetery
Graford take Highway 254 west about 8 miles to P 36 and follow
P 36 west about 3 miles.
Historical Marker: Tennessee native Capt. William
Carroll McAdams (1825-1905) came to Texas in the 1840's, served
as a Texas Ranger, and fought in the Mexican War (1846-1848).
McAdams and his wife Ann Alexander acquired this land in 1854
and began cattle raising. The cemetery opened after the death
of Mrs. McAdams. The first marked grave is that of Mary M. Couger
in 1889. McAdams Cemetery served the Pickwick Community (Now under
the lake). In 1940 graves were moved here from Carter Bend Cemetery
which was on the proposed Possum Kingdom Lake site. (1979)