China Lake Graves
Truscott, Knox County, Cemeteries of Texas
Photo and text Clifford Smith
Sorry, only partial cemetery inscriptions available to us at this time
Location: China Lake is three miles to the Southwest of the Truscott Cemetery.
History: Named for the china berry trees, it was a campsite
for early travelers, sheepherders, cattlemen and settlers. The
1880 census showed George and Lucinda Truscott, China Lake. The
1886 Knox County brand book lists J.A. Moody, China Lake.
Three China Lake graves with native stone markers read:
Jordan, Miss J.E., born 1876.
Sheek, Rubie M., age 13 months, died Apr. 27,1885.
Sheek, Lee A., born June 11,1890, died June 11,1891.