Blanco Co Cemeteries
of Tx
Submitted by Joel Honeycutt and Pat Althaus
Prepared for Cemeteries of
TX by Wanda Qualls
Used with permission of the
Blanco County Historical Commission, 101 Pitchfork, Johnson City, TX
Transcribed by:
Location: Twin Sisters Area - Turn off of Hwy. 281 south of Blanco; about
7 1/2 miles; onto Ranch Rd. 473 (left turn). Go 1 mile, turn right and
cross the Little Blanco River to house. Cemetery is 500 feet from the
house across the creek in a horseshoe shaped area.
Name: Carl Kneupper
Birth: 1864 in Texas
Died: around 1929
Parents: John and Apolonia Kneupper, both born in Nassau
Siblings: Anton; Peter; Catherine; John; Christian; Josephine;
Mary; Margaret (as of 1880 census)
Married: Sarah Bartles
Children: Paul; Alfred; Hermann; Olga Kneupper Ludhauf;
Pauline Kneupper Sueltenfuss; another girl who married an Edge
(The Temple place in 1984)