Mills Cemetery

Lincoln  County, Cemeteries of Oklahoma

Submitted by Sheryl Moore  (2007)


Located 1/8 mile east of Pottawatomie Co. Line on N.E. 36th, one mile north of 62 hwy, Lincoln County, OK This a very small, neglected CEMETERY on the north side of N.E 36th, with 44  graves that I was able to find. It is fenced across the front with a pipe and cable fence, and has a sucker- rod gate with the nameboard above.

The rows are not straight, and there is sometimes 50 feet or more between graves in a row. Several of the graves have been vandalized, and some markers  are partially or totaly unreadable. If there is a line (_) in the transcription, it is an unreadable letter or number. The rows run north to south.

Starting on the S.W. corner of the CEMETERY and moving north:

Row 1

1. Priscilla Evans
Died 1930

2. Loving Mother
Jonnie C.Lawson
Dec. 31, 1881 - Aug. 16, 1947

3. Long concrete with small stone at each end
Millie Bivens

4. Unmarked rock

Row 2, from the south, moving north

1. Unmarked stone

2. Unmarked stone

3. PVC pipe on rebar stakes
Wiley P.Lawson
Died 193?

4. PVC pipe on rebar stakes
Elizabeth Larkin Lawson
Died 193

5. Isaac Lawson
Dec. 14, 1892-Apr. 17, 1932
We Love You Still

6. Unmarked 2 ft sq. concrete block

7. Unmarked rusty stone

8. Unmarked rock

9. Unmarked 2 ft sq. concrete block

10. Unmarked rock

11. Unmarked rock

12. PVC Cross
Infant Daughter of Wiley and Johnnie Lawson
Norris Marie

Row 3, from the north starting at a clump of trees with
wire fence around them.

1. Blanche (guessed at spelling)
Youngboo (guessed at spelling - could be Youngblood)
1891 (or 7)
(the death date is below ground level)

2.Unmarked stone

Tree s. of this grave

3. Tall Marble stone
William A. Simms
804 Pioneer Inf
March 5,1930

Row 4,from south to north

1. 1876
A. Burns

2. 1904
F.M. Burns

3. Willie Walker
Born Aug 20, 1871
Died Dec. 18, 1935

4. Long concrete with small stone at each end
Jessie Bivens

5. Unmarked stone

East of the clump of trees w/wire fence,
2 unmarked rocks

Row 5, from north to south

northmost end, in the trees,
2 unmarked graves surrounded with white plastic fence

1. Father
Davis Daughty
May 15, 1913
Mar. 12, 1968

2. Unmarked Stone

3. D.W. Bums

4. Metal Vet's marker
Albert Poties

Row 6,from south to north

1. Broken stone, hard to read.
Fred D. Whiams (could be Fred D.W. Hiams)
Born Dec. 1, 1912
Died Oct. 18, 1950 (last digit hard to read)

2. Worn stone
Thomrhson (couldnt make out all the letters)
Born 1877
Died 1969

Row 7 from north to south

Near the 2 graves with the white plastic fence
1.John L. McDonald
Died Dec. 1970

2. Metal Marker
Howard Wilder

3. Metal Marker
Margie Wilder

4. Stone
Margie Wilder
Donated by
L.C. Gill N.R.Gautt

5. east of cedar tree
Willaim G. Wilder

6. stone
Sarah Hale
June 30, 1894
Oct 3, 1956

7. stone Vet's marker
Ralph Vanlear, Jr
Co I 32 Inf 7 Inf Div
Korea PH
July 16, 1933
Oct 24, 1953

8. stone
Beloved Mother
Nancy Smith
July 14, 1900
Dec 3, 1962

Row 8, south to north, in front of gate

1.cracked stone
Cut(_)e Sutton
Born Feb 7, 1896
died Jan 2(_), 1952

2. unreadable last name
Born 1876 Died 1934

3. stone broken into 3 pieces, with some small pieces missing
(_)T Parker
1860-19(6)8 (guessing at the 6 in 1968)

Row 9 south to north, east of the tree

1. small wooden cross
To Lynn with (picture of a heart) written with black magic marker