Ringling Cemetery

AKA: Ringling  IOOF Cemetery

Ringling , Jefferson County, Cemeteries of Ok

Photos and Memorial  Info by Pam Ford

Information submitted by Brett McCoy (BM)

Information submitted by Wanda Westfall (WW)

Photos by Debra Westfall and Courtney Hennessee

Located 1 mile west of Ringling, Hy. 70, 1 mile south on Cemetery Road Just southwest of the Cornish Cemetery.   Cemetery Road is actually the north boundary of the Ringling Memorial Cemetery

Last Name,     First Name,     Birth,     Death,   Comment
Horn, Alton ,Sep 8, 1924, No date,  h/o Mary Lois  BM)
Horn, Mary Lois . Oct 26, 1923,No date , w/o Alton  BM)
Rose, Annie Lue, Jan 18, 1895, Nov 8 1976, w/o Walter W. BM)
Rose, Walter W, Jul 9, 1888, Aug 10 1955, h/o Annie BM)
Rose, William W,  July 31, 1921, Sep 11,1986, TEC 5 US Army WWII BM)

Ringling Veteran’s Memorial Transcription


U.S. Army       U. S. Navy      U. S. M. C       U. S. A. F


This stone is divided into 3 sections with 213 names 

Logos: U.S. Army       U. S. Navy      U. S. M. C       U. S. A. F

C = Cornish Cemetery           * = Killed in Action

Left section: Middle Section: Right Section:

Charles Abshire                      Willis Chapman                       O. W. Eubanks - *

Jack Abshire                           Woodrow Chapman                Alex Folsom

Spencer Albin                         Fred Clark                               Billy Folsom

Bill Allred                                 Adrin Coaly - *                        Cletus Folsom

Danny Anderson                     Dink Cogdill – C                      Lonnie Fryer - C

Perry L. Auld                           W. J. Collier                            Clarence Gamel

Billy Awtrey - *                        Alvin Copeland - *                   Bobbie Gardner

Burton Awtrey - *                    Lloyd Copeland                       Ocie Gardner

Fredrick K. Bacholfer             Edgar Crabb                           Tom Gardner

Clyde Barnes                          Edgar E. Crabb                       Eddie Garner

Jimmy Barnes                        Charles Crawford                   Charles  Gear

Roy Barr                                 Hershall Crook – C                 Marvin Gear, Jr.

George Bateman                    James Cross                           Robert George

Columbus Beams                   Beecher Cummins                  Claude Gibson

Norman Beck – C                   James Davis                           W. R. Gilley

Lloyd Benton                           Warren Davis                          Wilson Goins

Charles Berry - *                     Kenneth Dean                         Charles Goldsmith

Deliwood Berry                       Don B. Dillard                          Johnnie Graham

Raymond L. Berry                  JamesDillard                           Troy Graham

John Black                              Jack D. Dodd                          Elmo Greer

William Blair                            James P. Dodd                       Edward Grove

Clarence Blevins                     James T. Dodd                       Harwell Hall

Joe Boles                                Clarence Dodson                    Marcus Hammons

Ervin Bradford                        W. E. Dotson                           Webster Hammons - *

Roy Branch                             J. D. Dowdy                            Howard Harbour

Truman Branch                       Ernest Doyal                           Willis Harmon, Jr.

Claude Brewer                        Harry Dulaney                       Hoyt W. Harwell

Jimmy Bryce                          Cecil Duncan                          Leo Hawkins

Henry Burgess                        John Dunford                          Weldon Hawkins

Percy Butler                            Melvin Dunford                       Ernest Heidelburg

I. E. Capehart                          Dr. Francis Edwards               George Henderson

Liona Capehart - *                   Arthur Ellis                               Cecil Herrin

Jay Carroll                              Jack Epley                              Earl Hudson

Lee Buddy Carroll                   J. D. Eubanks                         William Hudson

Paul Chamberlin                     James Eubanks                      Edward Hobbs



American Flag


In Memory and

Honor of the

Veterans of all

Wars From the

Ringling Area Who

Are Buried Here


Emory Holder                         Clarence Morris                      Jack Sawyer

Morris Holder                          Michael A. NaeGele               D. L. Scifres

Earman Hooser                      John Neble                              James Scott

Paul W. Howard                      Virgil Neill                             Joseph Shellenberger

James D. Houston                  Jack Nichols                           John Slawson

James S. Houston                  Solen Odom                            C. L. Smith

Roy Houston                           Billy Parker                             Elmer Smith

Douglas Hudson                     Walter Farr                              Ottis Smith

Stanley Ilniski                          Karl Paul                                 Timothy Smith

Tollie Ingram                           Grover Pemberton                  Bill Southerland

Tommy Ivey                           John Pemberton                     Jack Stagner

Dixie Jackson - *                    Lee Pemberton                       Marvin Stagner

Cecil Jobe                               Lewis Pemberton                    Albert Stanton

Paul Jobe                                Millard Pemberton                  Floyd Lee Stanton

Billy Johnson                           Donald Perkins                       Mack Stanton

James Jones, Sr. – C             Bill Phelps                               William Stoner

Ernest Kilpatrick                      Raymond Phelps                    Frank Strawn

Jimmie King                            Ollie Phillips                             Dr. L. B. Sutherland

William King                            Cecil Pinnick                           A. C. Swinney

James Kyker                          Raymond Pinnick                   George Thomas

J. P. Laney – C                       Jack Porter, Sr.                      Lloyd Thompson

Thomas Leaf                           Troy Porter                              Roger Thornburg

Emory Little                             Alvie Prather                           Leslie Thurman

Paul Lockwood                       Oscar Prather                         Thurl Tiner

Eugene Martin                        E. J. Price                               Narvel Tripp

Paul McGowan                       Turner Pruitt                            Loyd Troxell

Clarence McKay – C              Cecil T. Reed                          Claude Turner, Jr.

Frank McLain                          J. C. Reed                               Caude Turner, Sr.

Billy Mendenall                        Luke Reed                              Lloyd D. Turner

Vernon R. Miller                      Major Reese                           Boyd Wade - *

Earl Mills                                 L. N. Rice                                Floyd “Red” Warden

Fred Mitchell                           Emitt Riddle                            R. Henry Wigham

George Morgan                      Ashley Roberts - *                   Grover Worley

Dana Morris                            L. N. Roberts                           Haskell Worsham

Elijah Morris                            Earl Roden                              Mack Wright

Frankie Morris                         William Rose                           Robert Wyche, Sr.