Cemetery | City | Submitter | Maps | Photos |
Dodson Cemetery |
Hollis N on Hwy 30 for 6 miles to Dodson Rd, turn West, before Texas line. | - | - | - |
Hill Cemetery |
From Gould at Hwy 62 + Hwy 5, South for 9 miles, East 2 miles then SW mi. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | - | - |
Cemetery |
Hollis E on Hwy 62 for 4 mi, turn North 5 miles, go East to gate. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | Tiger Map | Photos |
Gould Cemetery |
Gould at Hwy 62 + Hwy 5, turn North 1/2 mile, East side of Hwy 5. | - | Tiger Map | - |
Creek Cemetery50 listings Location: 2nd Source |
From Hollis N on Hwy 30 4 miles, West 3 3/4 turn N, on East Side behind trees. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | Tiger
Map Terra Map Aerial Photo |
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Fairmount Cemetery 2000 listings | Hollis | - | Tiger
Map Terra Map |
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Cemetery 30 listings |
From Hollis W for 3 miles, South for 5 mi, turn E, South side. | Juhree
Carr Jeanette Perrin Coaly |
Terra Map | Photos |
No. 2 Cemetery, old Westview Cem. | From Hollis W on Hwy 62 for 4 miles, North side of Hwy 62. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | Terra Map | Photos |
Cemetery |
Gould at Hwy 62 + Hwy 5, South 3 mi , East l mile, North side. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | - | - |
Louis /Bethel Cemetery 2nd Source | From Hollis S on Hwy 30 for 4 mi, East 3 mi, S 5 mi, North side. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | Tiger Map | Photos |
Cemetery Location: |
From Hollis N on Hwy 30 for 15 miles to Hwy 9, West on Hwy 9 for 2 miles, North side. | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | Tiger Map | Photos |
Cemetery |
From Hollis N on Hwy 30 for 5 1/2 miles, cemetery on East side. | - | Tiger Map | Photos |
Cross Cemetery 24 listings |
From Hollis N on Hwy 30 for 9 miles, East 2 miles, North side. | Juhree
Carr Jeanette Perrin Coaly |
- | Photos |
Creek Cemetery |
Vinson | Jeanette Perrin Coaly | Tiger
Map Terra Map Aerial Photo |
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Hackberry Cemetery | Vinson | - | - | - |
This sign is located at the Harmon County Courthouse in Hollis,
OK. Photo by Jeanette Perrin Coaly *See History section of Twin Territories |
Cemeteries of Oklahoma is a non-profit Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Oklahoma. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters. All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only. No part of this Web site is to be sold to others, or distributed to others for profit. Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to: Gloria B. Mayfield - Oklahoma Mgr. |