Independence Cemetery, Custer County, Oklahoma
![]() Harris, Lodosky V., Aug. 19, 1847, Dec. 7, 1927 |
About the cemetery: The town of Independence is no longer there, so this
cemetery sits out in the country all alone, however, someone
comes and keeps the grass cut.
Location: From the West side of Thomas, drive on Hwy 47 West
for 8 miles, then go 1 mile South, then go 1/2 mile East. Cemetery
located on the North side of this small road and is fenced with
a gate that is not kept locked. Appears to be on about 10 acres
of land or less.
Inscriptions by Dorothy
Ferguson, Fern Crispin & Mary Wilburg, Submitted by R. Clayton
Source: Search for Ancestral Roots produced by the Western Plains
Weatherford Genealogical Society
Additional information by Wendy Forester (WF)
Last, Given, Birth, Death,
(unreadable), Victor, 1877, 1929, Damaged stone on SE corner
Allen, Amanda S., 1853, 1932
Allen, Thomas A., 1857, 1922
Allen, William Glenn, 1890, 1913, s/o T.A. & S.A.
Ashton, infant, 1906, (no dod), s/o J.A. & Ollie
Ashton, James H., 1850, 1929
Ashton, Ollie A., 1867, 1956
Baby Boy, (no dob), 1924
Baker, Charles P., 1878, 1962
Baker, Elisha M., 1837, 1923, Military
Baker, John Charles, 1923, (no dod)
Baker, Julia, 1880, 1968
Baker, Lizzie M. 1904, 1985
Baker, Sarelda, 1848, 1911
Barney, Elikiam, 1838, 1911 (Eliakim
Colonel Barney, name misspelled Eliciam on the headstone. h/o Mary
Francelia (Dutcher) Barney). Born in IL. WF)
Barney, Gerald L., 2/1914, 3/1914, s/o G.F. & E.E.(Gerald
Loyal Barney, s/o George Festus & Edna (Shearer) Barney WF)
Barney, Mary, 1845, 1912 (Mary
Francelia (Dutcher) Barney, born in NY, w/o Eliakim Colonel Barney,
dau. of John R. Dutcher
Barton, Carriel, 1881, 1908, w/o R.P.
Barton, Elvy Lee, 1/28/1900, 8/13/1989
Barton, Gladys Erma, 1904, 1973
Barton, James C., 1901, 1901, s/o R.P. & Carriel
Barton, Mary Maxine, 1923, 1932
Barton, Vera L., 1902, 1906
Bates, Mary Imogene, 2/29/1908, 5/30/1908
Beavers, Arla M., 1890, 1898
Beileman, Anna M., 1902, 1980
Beileman, Charley E., 1902, 1980
Beileman, Etta, 1900, 1987
Beileman, George, 1903, 1972
Beileman, Henry E., 1899, (no dod)
Beileman, Mary Jane, 1913, 1986
Beileman, Minnie, 1873, 1905
Beileman, Otto W., 1945, (no dod)
Beileman, Otto (F.H.), 1862, 1949
Berkley, Roy D., 1931, 1983
Boileau, Ganville Rainy, 1901, 1920, s/o Charles & Geneva E.
Boileau, Lenora J., 1925, 1986
Bosler, John, (no dob), 1895, 54 years
Boswell, Margaret, 1838, 1912
Brigham, Alice, 1824, 1903, w/o Chester
Brigham, Gertrude, 1872, 1943
Brigham, Glen C., 1860, 1942
Brown, Carrie S., 1871, 1933
Brown, Charles H., 1865, 1945
Brown, Josie, 1904, 1937
Brown, J., 1911, 1979
Brown, Katie, 1896, (no dod), d/o Chas. H. & Carrie
Byrum, James H., 1876, 1930
Campbell, Buelah M., 6/1897, 1897, d/o Owen & Elsie
Campbell, Ira H., 1873, 1901
Campbell, Theron B., 1899, 7/1899, s/o Owen & Elsie
Canary, Emma, 1872, 1903, w/o Edward M.
Carson, Susan B., 1883, 1960
Carson, Wiliam R., 1876, 1955
Carter, Lucinda, (no dob), 6/19/1911, 75 years
Chalfant, Martha E., 1840, 1920
Chalfant, William F., 1834, 1903, Military
Christian, Charley, 1874, 1898
Clark, Betty, 1859, 1926
Clark, Catherine, 1836, 1864
Clark, Francis H., 1861, 1897
Clark, Hattie G., 1893, 1975
Clark, Jasper M., 1857, 1934
Clark, Kenneth D., 1913, 1914, s/o M.F. & F.A.
Clark, Monroe, 1889, 1977
Clark, Orval K., 1894, 1976
Claudie, Alice, (no dates)
Clevenger, Thomas Virgil, 1903, 1904
Coleman, Francis, (no dates)
Coleman, Frank, (no dates)
Coleman, Jessie F., 1860, 1949
Coleman, Zachory W., 1848, 1920
Collins, Carl Lavern, 1909, 1910
Conrad, John Calvin, 1842, 1935
Conrad, John C., Jr., 1885, 1957
Conrad, Medora, 1850, 1920
Conrad, Thomas M., 1883, 1940
Cook, Laura D., 1888, 1914
Cooper, Dollie, 1877, 1909
Cooper, Earl W., 1898, 1899
Cooper, Francis Marion, 1870, 1935
Cooper, Harve N., 1891, 1944
Cooper, Jessie L., 1899, 1969
Cooper, Mathanie, 1829, 1901
Cooper, William R., 1864, (no dod)
Cornelious, Lila E., 1899, 1934
Cornelious, Mary, 1893, 1922, w/o Ray
Cornelious, Ray L., 1888, 1971
Crain, Lawrence E., 1902, 1984
Creps, Bettie, 1862, 1929
Crowder, Eldred A., 1898, 1941
Crum, Adie E., 1868, 1903
Crum, Carl, 3/23/1903, (no dod), s/o M.M. & Ida B., 3 months, 18 days
Crum, Forst, 1900, 1907, s/o M.M. & Ida B.
Crum, G. William, 1922, 1983
Crum, Ida B., 1868, 1939
Crum, Marshal M., 1868, 1957
Crum, Omma, 3/14, 3/28 (would suspect the last numbers represent 1914 &
Crum, Roy, 1895, 1941
Crum, Sophia, (no dob), 1987
Crum, Warren, (no dates)
Cunningham, Charles Ross, (no dob), 1940
Cunningham, Eva Scott, (no dob), 1961
Cunningham, James Meredith, 1872, 1943
Cunningham, Margarett (Owen), 1846, 1921
Cunningham, Mary Louise, 1914, 1917, d/o C.R. & Eva
Cunningham, Ollie May, 1874, 1919
Cunningham, Richard S., 1845, 1900, Uncle, Military
Cunningham, Ruby Coline, 1912, 1914, Daughter
Cunningham, Victor Burton, 1870, 1935
Deaton, Allie M., 1879, 1964
Deaton, Dolly, 1864, 1952
Deaton, Dorsery, 1935, (no dod)
Deaton, Freddie, 1893, 1869
Deaton, Irene Mae, 9/13/1904, 9/23/1904
Deaton, Jola, 1900, 1901
Deaton, Marvin Lee, 2/20/1941, 7/13/1941
Deaton, Ola, 1898, 1903
Deaton, Ora, 1902, 1985, (h/o Iva Viola Smith Deaton)
Deaton, Robert A., 1869, 1949
Deaton, Stanley M., 1937, 1947
Deaton, Wayne Ray, 6/4/1899, (no dod)
Deaton, W. Cortes, 1861, 1942
Delp, Ernest, (no dates)
Delp, Jessie (no dates)
Delp, Lester, (no dates)
Diehl, David, 1855, 1918
Diehl, Floyd D., 1902, 1903
Diehl, Imogene, 1868, 1963
Diehl, infant, 1912, (no dod), s/o D.W. & Imogene
Dutsher, Jessie, 1880, 1901, s/o Samuel & Mary
Dyer, Alva, 1859, 1895
Dyer, Susie, 1860, 1939
Elliott, Thomas C., 1833, 1896, Military
Ellis, George M. MD, 1834, 1914, Military
Ellis, Margaret, 1895, 1899, d/o J. & M.J.
Esschler, Jno, (no dates), Military 61-68
Everitt, Lavern, 1913, 1988
Everitt, Nellie B., 1891, 1974, Mother of Lavern
Faris, Bruce R., 1896, 1918, s/o A.M. & Emma, Military
Faris, Irene, 1912, 1913, d/o A.M. & Emma
Faris, Teddy, 1909, 1910, s/o A.M. & Emma
Fellows, Belle, 1862, 1914
Ferguson, Ada (Stephenson), 1887, 1916
Ferguson, Banks G., 1909, 1963, s/o Sam & Fanny, Military
Ferguson, Don, 7/9/1916, 5/21/1989
Ferguson, Fannie J., 1875, 1957
Ferguson, Florence D., 1894, 1949
Ferguson, Gladys H., 1896, 1907
Ferguson, Katie W., 1888, 1900
Ferguson, Lide Owen, 1857, 1932
Ferguson, Nicholas W., 1847, 1933
Ferguson, Owen A., 1884, 1954
Ferguson, Rollo, 1886, 1972
Ferguson, Samuel, 1871, 1943
Ferguson, Vernon, 1900, 1907
Ferguson, Zora, 1885, 1975
Ferguson, (no first name), (no dates), w/o Owen
Fletcker, Anna J., 1872, 1944
Fletcker, Robert L., 1864, 1937
Fry, Elzie, 1899, 1905
Fry, John D., 1841, 1904, Military
Gentry, Benjamin F., 1836, 1926, Military
Gentry, B.F., 1843, 1918
Gentry, John E., 1874, 1904
Goodson, Rosa E., 1873, 1896, Baby next to her
Goodson, Samuel J., 1872, 1959
Gore, Cary M., 1915, 1964
Gore, Maurice L., 1938, 1944, s/o Cary & Lorene
Grigsby, Hettie (Gentry), 1865, 1940
Hanks, Calvin L., 1856, 1937
Hanks, Chester Lee, 1891, 1968, Military
Hanks, Henry L., 1911, 1979
Hanks, Joahn, 9/1938, 10/1938, d/o Henry
Hanks, Lester, 1891, 1954
Hanks, Lomanda B., 1861, 1922
Hanks, Stella Marie, 1900, 1974
Harris, Lodosky V. (Victoria Cromwell), 8/19/1847, 12/7/1927, Military,
"Gone But Not Forgotten",(w/o James Griswold Harris, Mother of
C. Harris Smith and Samuel E. Harris, Sr.)
Herring, Gail Sue, 1942, (no dod), d/o Rob & Irene (Ferguson)Herring
Holstine, infant, (no dob), 10/3/1901
Holstine, infant, 8/29/1900, 9/3/1900, s/o C.L.Hopkins, Jane L., 1830,
Hopkins, N.B., 1828, 1907, Military
Householder, Andrew J., 1858, 1918
Householder, Martha J., 1860, 1935
Hoyt, baby, 1929, 1929
Hoyt, Henry H. 1840, 1897
Hoyt, Laurence Lee, (no dob), 1/10/1903, s/o Ernest & Ethel, 14
Hoyt, Robert D., 1918, 1925
Hulsizer, Sarah M., 1851, 1906, w/o Benjamin
Hutson, Kathryn, 1899, 1981
Hutton, Charles H., 1876, 1957
Hutton, Mabel, 1890, 1980
Irving, H., 1838, 1905, Military
Jackson, Charles P., 1879,
Jackson, Della, 1885, 1928, w/o C.P.
Johnson, Amanda, 1904, 1907
Johnson, Melvin A., 1916, 1958
Johnston, Harry J., 1865, 1929
Johnston, infant, (no dob), 1895, s/o H.J. & M.N.
Johnston, Mary L., 1848, 1926
Johnston, Mary N., 1867, 1935
Johnston, Robert G., 1838, 1905
Jones, Amanda M., 1844, 1917
Jones, Charley, 1871, 1951
Jones, Dottie L.(Lodosky Lavenia Smith), 2/3/1892, 12/19/1989, (d/o Greenberry and Ida C. Harris Smith,
w/o Geroge Harrison Jones)
Jones, George H.(Harrison), 1885, 1965
Jones, infant, 10/13/1910, 12/10/1910, s/o W.W. & Edith
Jones, infant, 1926, (no dod), s/o Walter & Jewel
Jones, James S., 1834, 1914, Military
Jones, Mabel B., 1904, 1983
Jones, Martha C., 1871, 1961
Jones, Melvin, 1898, 1915
Jones, Pearl, 1912, 1916
Jones, Willie Curtis, 1914, 1915
Keene, Elizabeth, 1840,
Keene, J.R., 1837, 1909
Kloppenstein, Ester, 1907, 1918
Lax, Minnie Annia, 1883,
Lax, Thomas Jefferson, 1876, 1920
Lax, William, (no dob), 1900, h/o A.J.
Leitner, Cyrena Emily, 1885, 1903, w/o John Davidson Magill
Leitner, John, 1855, 1927
Leitner, Mary J., 1859, 1903, w/o John
Lindley, Irene Satletta, 1893, 1899
Looney, Irene (Jones), 1908, 1983
Looney, Joe Ray, 7/1943, 5/1983
Mannering, infant, 1923, (no dod), s/o Jim & Verta
Martin, Henry Macy, 1850, 1930
Martin, Nellie E.(Elizabeth Smith), 1/10/1898, 11/28/1984, (Daughter of
Greenberry and Ida C. Harris Smith, w/o Walter Lee Martin, Mother of
Mark E. Martin)
Martin, Walter L.(Lee), 1894, 1983
Mason, Sina A., 1858, 1906, w/o Henry
McCance, infant, 1911, (no dod), s/o Rev. J.B. & M.
McClaskey, Elmira, (no dates)
McConnell, Margaret, (no dob), 1900, w/o Isaac, 79 years
McFarren, Bertie, 1871, 1946
McFarren, Danial, 1865, 1926
McFarren, Harry A., 1890, 1917, Military
Miles, Claudy Earl, 1893,
Miles, Stephen B., 1837, 1903, Military (photo by Shirley Lash)
Miller, Jennie Bell, 1902, 1905, d/o S.H. & L.A.
Miller, Mary, 1831, 1901, w/o Stephen
Miller, Mary M., 1831, 1901, d/o S.H. & L.A.
Miller, Steven H., 1818, 1896, Military 61-65 (presume 1861-1865)
Miller, Tom A., 1858, 1901
Moler, Henry Clay, 1844, 1929, Military
Moler, Sophia (Rekate), 1880, 1954
Nicholas, (no first name), 4/27/1915, 8/26/1989
Oliver, Fredrick, 1871,
1901, s/o W.A. & M.E.
Owen, Docia, 1867, 1931
Owen, Docia, 1901, 1903
Owen, Dollie & Dottie, 1899, (no dod), Twins
Owen, James M., 1844, 1917
Owen, Mamie E., 1861, 1941
Owen, Mary J., 1834, 1909
Owen, Thomas V., 1862, 1943
Peace, Marilla, 1822, 1911
Pyeatt, J.H., 1865, 1898
Reimers, Keith D., 2/1925,
Rekate, Emma, 1883, 1898, d/o William & Caroline
Rekate, John, 1871, 1940
Rekate, William, 1841, 1920, Military
Rekate, Willie, 1886, 1909, s/o William & Caroline
Rice, Alvy, 11/12/1895, (no dod), s/o R.M. & R.J.
Roberts, (no first name), (no dob), 1911, Our Darling
Roberts, Ezra, (no dates), Military
Roberts, Lula M., 1896, 1981
Ross, Norma B., 12/20/1901, 12/23/1901
Rossmiller, Eva Marguerite, 1/4/1910, 6/28/1910
Samuels, John, (no dates),
Sauer, Freddie, 1883, 1898
Sears, Calvin John, 1905, 1988
Sears, Elsie Marie, 1912, 1982
Sears, infant, (no dob), 1930, s/o Mr. & Mrs. Calvin
Seward, Eliza, 1845, 1896
Seward, John, 1843, 1917, Military
Shaw, Alice, 1853, 1928
Shaw, James A., 1848, 1929, Military
Smith, Green Berry (Jr.), 8/22/1864, 6/9/1942, Military, (Founded the
First Baptist Church in Thomas, OK, h/o Ida Ceville Harris Smith)
Smith, Ida C. (Ceville Harris), 9/15/1869, 4/27/1951, (Wife of
Greenberry Smith, Jr., d/o James Griswold and Ladosky Victoria
Cromwell Harris, Mother of James Leonard Smith, Horace Edgar Smith,
Ladosky (Dottie) Lavenia Smith Jones, Pryor Boyd Smith, Nellie Elizabeth
Smith Martin, Greenberry Smith 3rd, and Iva Viola Smith Deaton)
Smith, (unreadable first name), (no dob), 1895, s/o Mr. & Mrs. R.L.
Stall, Edith F., 1875, 1953
Stall, Henry, 1864, 1954
Stevenson, Alvie, 1877, 1951
Stine, Andrew J., 1841, 1929
Stine, Gus, 1870, 1934
Stine, Julia, 1840, 1932
Stoll,Edith F., 1875, 1953 (actually born in 1876, Edith Florence (Barney) Stoll, w/o Henry Stoll, dau. of Eliakim Colonel Barney & Mary Francelia (Dutcher)
Stoll, Henry, 1864, 1954. (h/o Edith Florence (Barney) Stoll, Jacob & Wilhelminia (Knopf) Stoll WF.)
Stone, Kate Irene, 1869, 1897
Summit, L.H., 1845, 1902
Susong, Ola, 1899, 1964
Taylor, Robert L., (no dob), 1932, infant
Thompson, Minnie J., 1870, 1894, d/o R.G. & M.L. Johnston
Thorp, Harry W., 1882, 1968
Thorp, infant, 1937, (no dod), s/o Russell & Helen
Thorp, Mona C., 1884, 1976
Thorp, William H., 1/1909, 3/1909, s/o Harry & Mona
Thorton, Bessie, 1865, 1904
Trowbridge, Adie M., 1870, 1956
Trowbridge, Albert L., 1868, 1939
Trowbridge, Charles L., 1893, 1897
Tucker, Margaret S., 1825, 1913
Tucker, Mary A., 1853, (unreadable dod)
Tudor, Clarence, 1914, 1919
Tudor, Elizabeth M., 1860, 1938
Tudor, T.B., 1849, 1926
George, 1898, 1912 (s/o Willard & Lillian (Barney) Tunin)
Tunin, Lillian M., 1866, 1937 (Lillian May
(Barney) Tunin, w/o Willard Bartin
Tunin, Willard B., 1865, 1943 (Willard
Bartin Tunin, h/o Lillian May (Barney) Tunin.)
Unnamed Child, 1897, 1899,
Letters loose F O Y D
Vann, Lide, 1922, 1/7/1989
Waddell, Anna L., 1879,1964
Waddell, Frank, 1879, 1933
Wadsworth, Cora B., 1868, 1923
Wadsworth, Gidion, 1854, 1927
White, Amilia, 1868, 1941
White, Edgar R., 1865, 1944
Wilcox, Alfred M., 1832, 1896, Military
Wilcox, Amanda M., 1851, 1895
Wilcox, infant, (no dob), 5/1911, s/o Mr. & Mrs. Alford
Wilhite, B.G., 1876, 1924
Williams, Grace, 1872, 1914, w/o T.W.
Williams, T.W., 1874, 1959
Wilmeth, Ora May, 1902, 1918
Wilson, Catharine, 1867, 1935
Wilson, Grant, (no dob), 1901
Wilson, Louis E., 1828, 1919
Wilson, Mildred, (no dates)
Wing, Annie (Clawson), 1880, 1911
Wiseman, Bernice, 1908, 1910, d/o Fred & Irma
Wiseman, Marie L., 1849, 1921
Woodrum, Alice R., 1862, 1895, w/o O.D.
Wycoff, Everett, 1904, 1905, s/o Charles & Ethel
Wycoff, Fred O., 1875, 1928
Wycoff, Harlan F., 1861, 1865, Military
Wycoff, Lucius, 1867, 1932
Wycoff, Phebe, 1846, 1923
Wycoff, Sim C., 1912, 1930
Yount, Arthur, 1906, 1976,Military
Yount, baby, (no dob), 1925
Yount, baby Hess, (no dob), 1924
Yount, Billy Ruth, 1922, 1923
Yount, Charles W., 1881, 1965
Yount, Clyde E., 1887, 1975
Yount, Elva, 1894, 1911
Yount, Evylyn (Gentry), 1894, 1982
Yount, Hogan, 1926, 1929, s/o Clyde & Evylyn
Yount, Jimmie, 1935, 1960, s/o Clyde & Evylyn
Yount, John, 1897, 1974, Military
Yount, Sarah B., 1872, 1942
Additionally found: Cemeteries of Oklahoma is
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Resource organization dedicated to
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or another, please do so. Specific questions to the general viewing
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of Texas.
Unmarked cement stone
Marker, no name or dates
Unmared grave
Unmarked grave with broken stone
Cement with "F.M." all that's visible
Rusty grave marker without name
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All work is published with permission, and is intended for
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Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to: Gloria
B. Mayfield - Oklahoma Mgr.