Thomas Short marker, Carrizozo, New
Featured marker for January 2002 - Cemeteries
of New Mexico Web site, was taken by Sheriff Jerry
Hicks, of the marker of Thomas Short who was buried in the Evergreen
Thomas Short was a truely adventurous
Joined the Texas Rangers at age 15 to fight in the Mexican War,
Company C of Capt. Thomas Green, April to July 1846. In May of
1847, he joined the Rangers again and went to Mexico City with
the other 'Texas devils,' under Capt. Roberts' Company F during
the Mexican War.
Nov. 1847, at Matamoros, participated
in a huge victory, had his horse shot out from underneath him,
his company killed 60 and lost none, recovered 27 Americans and
captured a large amount of munitions. Tom witnessed Santa Ana's
return to Mexican soil after he surrendered. The rangers were
mustered out of service at Vera Cruz, Mexico in May of 1848.
At 17, without parents, he turned
to crime, was captured in New Orleans in July of 1849 with a
stolen slave. His group may have been a part of the underground
railroad. He and his older brother William were the first and
third prisioners at Huntsville, in Texas. Tom served less than
two years.
Feb. 1864-Dec. 1865 served in the
Union Army, Company C, 1 TX CAV. during the Civil War. A risky
undertaking since most of Texas was Confederate. Tom participated
in the last battle of the Civil War on May 13, 1865 at Palmito
Ranch, Texas. Tom mustered out Oct. of 1865.
Oct. 1867, nearly killed by a band
of Commanches, but out ran them and his own hunting dogs. Tom,
a ranch owner, died on Feb. 23, 1909 while visiting relatives
in Carrizozo New Mexico.