Acme Cemetery

Chaves County, Cemeteries of New Mexico

Photos and inscriptions by Sheriff Jerry Hicks

Location:  The Acme Cemetery is located just north of highway US 70, 13.5 miles northeast of Roswell, measuring from the US 70 overpass where it crosses over highway 285, turn north off of US 70 onto a dirt road in front of the rock shell of a large building (left). Then turn left again and drive west in front of this building. The cemetery is about 1/4 mile west.

Last Name, First/Middle Name, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments

Belvin, Bell Gage, 08/15/1878, 02/01/1941
Belvin, Henry Doyle, 03/13/1911, 10/06/1993, Married Ruby Griffin 05/04/1936
Belvin, Louis, 06/15/1861, 11/15/1947
Bivins, Florence, 1858, 1937
Carr, Nona Ruth, 03/16/1937, 05/03/1938
Cooper, Carl Jr. Eddie, 06/14/1955, 07/29/1995
George, Clifford Lloyd, 02/02/1946, 08/06/1946
George, Delbert Lee, 07/21/1943, 07/24/1943
George, Gordon Jimmy, 05/30/1944, 06/12/1944
George, Orville Floyd, 03/01/1942, 03/03/1942
Greene, W.R. Bill, 04/10/1939, 05/06/1990, Married Strelsa C. ? 08/20/1960
Griffin, Charlie B., 1876, 1955
Halcomb, Baby, No readable marker
Hite, Bessie, Wooden marker, no dates
Hite, Donald, No readable marker
Hite, Jessie D., 02/01/1941, One date only, may also be DOB
Hite, John, No readable marker
Hite, Thomas L., 1888, 1942, Inscription: A Faithful Father
Howard, Virginia Lee, 09/29/1931, 01/27/1969
Lyons, Pauline Elizabeth, 02/02/1940, 02/10/1940
Shields, Alma B., 12/06/1907, 10/26/1969
Shields, Otis L., 06/26/1886, 02/25/1951
Shields, Ottis, 03/29/1937, 09/12/1937
Unknown, Baby, No readable marker
Unknown, Baby, No readable marker
Watson, Jim, No readable marker
White, Myrna Loyal, 12/30/1940, 01/11/1941

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Cemeteries of New Mexico is a non-profit Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of New Mexico. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters. All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only. No part of this Web site is to be sold to others, or distributed to others for profit. Help us by submitting your transcritions and photos to: Gloria B. Mayfield - New Mexico Mgr.