Cemeteries of Wise County Texas

Gloria Briley Mayfield , Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated: March 28, 2010

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs  or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.  

Unknown Counties Query Board

Wise County Heritage Museum
1602 S. Trinity Street, Decatur, Texas
Wise Co USGenWeb   

La Darla Walker Keith  CC

Wise County Historical Commission & Wise County Historical Society
PO Box 427, Decatur, Texas, 76234

animated-gold-star.gif (6376 bytes)  Sue Tackel    has volunteered to lookups.  But she hasn't left much to lookup. 

Wise Co. Courthouse, Decatur

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter Map Picture
Allison Family Cemetery Bridgeport Sue Tackel
Alvord Cemetery Sue Tackel
Anneville Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Annis Chapel Springtown Sue Tackel
Arkansas Cemetery Btw Paradise-Boyd Sue Tackel
Arkansaw Johnson Grave Cottondale Sue Tackel
Aurora Cemetery - Sue Tackel HM
Babb Cemetery Chico Sue Tackel
Ball Knob Cemetery Alvord Sue Tackel
Bethel-Gilley-Hefley Cemeteries Boonsville Sue Tackel
Bethel-Decatur Cemetery Decatur Sue Tackel
Bethel-Rhome - Sue Tackel
Blocker Cemetery maybe Morrow - - -
Bodine Cemetery Park Springs Sue Tackel
Boonsville Cemetery Bridgeport Sue Tackel
Booth Cemetery Chico Sue Tackel
Boyd Cemetery  - Sue Tackel
Briar Branch Cemetery Alvord Sue Tackel
Bridgeport East Bridgeport Sue Tackel
Bridgeport West Bridgeport Sue Tackel
Cactus Hill Trinity River Sue Tackel
Chico Cemetery Chico Sue Tackel
Cottondale Cemetery CR 3571 Sue Tackel
Old Cottondale Cemetery CR 3585 Sue Tackel
Cottonwood Cemetery C.R.2461 Sue Tackel
Cottonwood Cemetery (Old) - Sue Tackel
County Farm Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Crafton Cemetery Crafton Sue Tackel
Crafton - Norwood Cemetery See Norwood Sue Tackel
Cumby Cemetery Chico Sue Tackel
Dabney Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Dawson Cemetery CR 1480-1560 Sue Tackel
Deep Creek Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Dunn-Comstock Cemetery Sue Tackel
East Mount Cemetery Bridgeport Sue Tackel HM
Eaton Cemetery Sue Tackel
Elebey Cemetery Sue Tackel
Eternal Oaks Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Earp Cemetery see Souther Sue Tackel
Fairview Cemetery see Thurmond - - -
Flat Rock Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Foster Cemetery Unknown - - -
Friendship Cemetery CR 4695 Sue Tackel
Friendship Cemetery South near Parker Co. Line Sue Tackel
Garvin Cemetery btw paradise - Boyd Sue Tackel
Gilley Cemetery CR 3655  Sue Tackel
Glass Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Gourley Cemetery Unknown - - -
Greens Chapel  see Mount - - -
Greenwood Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Hart Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Hefley Cemetery Fm Rd 920 Sue Tackel
Hogs Branch aka Stokes Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Hopewell Cemetery btw Decatur-Alvord Sue Tackel HM
Hutchinson Cemetery CR 1536 Sue Tackel
Hyde Cemetery Runaway Bay Sue Tackel HM
Isbell Grave - Sue Tackel
Jin Ned Cemetery aka McDaniel Cemetery Hideaway Bay area Sue Tackel
Jonestown Cemetery btw Decatur-Alvord Sue Tackel HM
Keeter Cemetery CR 4681 Sue Tackel HM
Kincannon Cemetery Boonsville Sue Tackel
Loftis Cemetery Sue Tackel
Lone Star Cemetery btw Chico- Decatur Sue Tackel
McDaniel Cemetery see Jim Ned Sue Tackel
Mexico (Cemeterio Mexicano) w of Bridgeport Sue Tackel
Mount Cemetery Chico Sue Tackel
Norwood Cemetery (Thomas-Norwood or Crafton-Norwood) btw Chico - Crafton Sue Tackel
Oak Grove Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Oaklawn Cemetery Decatur Sue Tackel HM
Old Town Cemetery See Bridgeport West Sue Tackel
Olive Branch Cemetery CR 1771 Chico Sue Tackel HM
Opal Cemetery Springtown Sue Tackel
Oxford Water Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Owens Pasture - Sue Tackel
Paradise Cemetery _ Sue Tackel
Pella Cemetery Sue Tackel
Press Perkins Grave Cottondale Sue Tackel
Pleasant Grove #1 Decatur Sue Tackel
Pleasant Grove #2 Boyd Sue Tackel HM
Pleasant Grove #3 Chico Sue Tackel
Pleasant View Cemetery see Thomas Sue Tackel
Pope Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Prairie Point CR 1480 & 1560 Sue Tackel
Preskitt Cemetery - Sue Tackel HM
Price Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Pruitt Cemetery Sue Tackel
Rhoads Cemetery - Sue Tackel HM
Roth Cemetery Boonsville Sue Tackel
Runabay Bay see Eternal Oaks Sue Tackel
Rush Creek Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Sand Hill Cemetery Decatur Sue Tackel
Saunders Cemetery s of Chico Sue Tackel
Slidell Cemetery Slidell Sue Tackel
Slimp Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Smith Cemetery Park Springs Sue Tackel
Souther Cemetery   aka Earp Cem Cottondale Sue Tackel
Stokes Cemetery see Hog Branch Sue Tackel
Sweetwater Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Sweetwater (Old) Decatur Sue Tackel
Sycamore Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Teague Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Trimble Cemetery - Sue Tackel
Thomas Cemetery CR 1326-1331 Sue Tackel
Thomas-Norwood see Norwood Sue Tackel
Thurmond-Fairview Cemetery Rhome Paulette Layfield HM
Tucker Cemetery Chico Sue Tackel
Union Hill Cemetery Alvord Sue Tackel
Valley View Cemetery btw Bridgeport-Decatur Sue Tackel
Waggoner Cemetery Decatur Sue Tackel HM
West Brook Cemetery Wise-Jack Co Line Sue Tackel
Willow Point Cemetery sw of Bridgeport Sue Tackel HM
Willow Point (Old) north of the present cemetery Sue Tackel
Wilson Prairie Cemetery CR 3540 Sue Tackel
Woods Cemetery south of Sunset Sue Tackel

This page is a part of the Cemeteries of  Texas project and all of the information here is  FREE for you to use. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information,      please contact me 


Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield 

Copyright/page design   by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009