Cemeteries of Travis County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated:-December 30, 2009

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs- or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use- the- Query Board--- or- For queries when the county is not known, post here. - Unknown Counties Query Board

Austin Genealogical Society
PO Box 10010
Austin, TX 78766-1010

Dana DeBeauvoir, Travis County Clerk, 5501 Airport Blvd., Austin, TX  7875

Austin Family History Library
1000 East Rutherford Lane, 78753, (512) 837-3626

Many thanks to  Mary Hicks of Austin TX- for sending the list of cemeteries

Thanks to Jean Shroyer for volunteering to do lookups, email her and tell her Gloria sent you.  

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter Other Picture
Allen McNeil Cemetery off FM 2244- Bee Cave Rd - - -
Austin Memorial Park Austin photos by ChrisTina Leimer - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Bassford Cemetery Hwy 71W FM 2244 - - -
Bee Cave Bapt Church Cemetery Bee Cave Tx Hwy 71W&RR620 - - -
Bethany Cemetery Springdale Rd Sarah Edwards goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes) goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Bohls Cemetery Hwy 71W - - -
Brown Cemetery s/w Austin Janet K. Taylor-Carusi - -
Carl Beck Cemetery near White Rock Cem - - -
Collier Wallace-Gregg Cemetery FM 2322 Spicewood, TX - - -
Darter Cemetery Lake Travis RR620 - - -
Fall Creek Cemetery near S. Paleface Ranch - - -
Fitzhugh Cemetery SW/o Austin - - -
Fowler Cemetery Spicewood, Tx Tammy Owens - -
Freitag Cemetery FM 620 - - -
Fiskville Cemetery Travis County Middle Fiskville Rd Sunny L. Williams - -
Glasscock Cemetery Hwy 290W - - -
Gregg Cemetery Gregg Ln Austin partial - Hazel (Farris) Rodriguez - -
Haynie Chapel Cemetery Haynie Flat Rd Private Property Tammy Owens - -
Longview Cemetery s/c Austin - - -
Manor Cemetery - Jose Guerrero   goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Oak Hill Cemetery Hwy 209W Oak Hil Tx - - -
Oakwood Cemetery I-35 & MLK - - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Oliver Cemetery Hwy 290W - - -
Ottens Cemetery Hwy 71 W Bee Cave Tx - - -
Oxford Cemetery (partial) Llano Duke & Sharolyn Browning   goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Puryear Cemetery Travis-Hays Co line - - -
Robert-Teague Cemetery FM 2244 Barton Creek- - - -
Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Lane Jose Guerrero - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
State Cemetery 7th & Comal - - -
Teck Cemetery RR620 w/o Austin - - -
White Rock Cemetery Hwy 71W Bee Cave , TX - - -
Walnut Creek Baptist Cemetery 12062 North Lamar Blvd Anna Galloway - -
Walnut Creek Cemetery Braker Lane - - -

 If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.  

Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield 

Copyright/page design   by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009