Cemeteries of Shelby County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated: October 13, 2009

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs
or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use the Query Board For queries when the county is not known, post here.

Unkown Counties Query Board

Shelby County Chamber of Commerce
321 Shelbyville St.Center, Tx. 75935
Shelby County Courthouse
P. O. Box 1987
Center, Tx. 75935

animated-gold-star.gif (6376 bytes)New Shelby Co Book

"Carolyn Brooks Manuscript, Descendants of John Edwards"

Atkins Funeral Home
Timpson, Tx
- Hicks Mortuary Center, Tx 75935
Mangum Funeral Home
Center, Tx 75935
Watson & Sons Funeral
Center, Tx 75935
Taylor Funeral Home
Timpson, Tx.

Black Cemeteries in Shelby County,

William W. Bates

Great research page

If you have information or photos that you would like to send, just let me know
Gloria Briley Mayfield

Look up volunteers for Shelby Co.  Leonard Irish & John Warner

Ray Jackson Obit

Cemetery Cemeteries on this Site Location Submitter Photos
Adams Adams Cemetery s of Shelbyville - -
Allen - - - -
Antioch Antioch Cemetery Center Leonard Irish & Ray Jackson -
Asbury Chapel Asbury Chapel Cemetery -
Ashton Ashton-Cemetery BoBo
Barlow Family Barlow Cemetery SH 87 Private Land
Bell Bell Cemetery Shelbyville
Bethel Bethel Cemetery so of Center Brenda Woodell -
Biggar-Bigger Bigger-Beggar Cemetery CR 1030
Blair Blair Cemetery Timpson Ray Jackson and Leonard Irish -
Borders Borders Cemetery s of Center Reecie Stanley
Bounds-Estes Bounds-Estes Shelbyville (private land) - -
Bradley Springs Bradley Springs Center to Tenaha - -
Bradshaw - - - -
Brandon Shofner Memorial Brandon Shofner Memorial Shelbyville

Brinson Field

Brinson Field Flat Fork - -
Brookland Brookland Cemetery near Logansport Gloria B. Mayfield -
Brown Family Brown Family Cemetery Shelby-SanAugustine line - -
Brown School Cemetery Hurston - - -
Bryce Family - -
Buckley Buckley Cemetery Shelbyville - -
Buckner Buckner Cemetery near Center
Buena Vista Buena Vista Cemetery Tenaha Gloria B. Mayfield
Burrow Family Burrow Family Cemetery SH 7 RJackson & John Warner -
Campbell - -
Campti Campti Cemetery near Shelbyville
Cannon Cannon Cemetery near Timpson - -
Carroll Carroll Cemetery Shelbyville David Green -
Cassell Cassel Cemetery CR 2657 Private Land
Cedar Yard Cedar Yard Cemetery Shelby Co. TX Gloria B. Mayfield
Center Ridge Center Ridge Cemetery Shelbyville
Choate Choate Cemetery CR 1180 Private Land -
City- Tenaha City Cemetery Tenaha Gloria B. Mayfield
Clardy Clardy Cemetery CR 4356
Clever Creek Clever Creek Cemetery s of Center Leonard Irish -
College Street - -
Connell Connell Cemetery Joaquin Private Land - -
Conway Conway Cemetery unk-wn Leonard Irish -
Corinth Corinith Cemetery 2009 Timpson Shelly Chafin
Corley-Harrison Corley Cemetery (Harrison) sw of Tenaha
Creech Creech Cemetery Center Ridge
Daughtery Daugherty Cemetery Shelby Co
Davis Family - -
Daw Daw Cemetery Highway 7 East & FM 417

DeFee Family DeFee Family Cemetery CR 1057

Dixon Cemetery

near Timpson
Duncan Duncan Cemetery Hurstown
Dunnigan - -
East Hamilton East Hamilton Cemetery Forest Service Road 159
Eaves-Smith - -

Edwards-Wilson Grave   

- Ragtown Recreation Area Larry Trekell -
Ellington Ellington Family Cem Huxley Private Land - -
Enterprise Enterprise Cemetery CR 4323
Epps-Lovell - -
Fairview Fairview Cemetery Center Gloria B. Mayfield
Ferguson - -
Fields Fields Cemetery Unk-wn Leonard Irish -
Folsom Chapel Folsom Chapel near SH 96
Forbis Forbis Cemetery near Sandhill Cemetery
Friendship-Baptist Friendship Baptist Cemetery SH 84
Gibbs Family Gibbs Family Cemetery SH 96 south
Good Hope Good Hope Cemetery -t k-wn
Greer-Brady Greer- Brady Cemetery Private Property
Griffith Griffith Cemetery CR 1096
Hamilton-Everett-Nicholson Hamilton-Everett-Nicholson Private Property
Hancock Hancock Cemetery CR1520
Hendricks Family - -
Henrietta Henrietta Cemetery FM 699
Hilliard Family Hilliard Family Cemetery
SH 96 Tenaha
Hinton Hinton Family Cemetery CR 1217
Holly Springs Holly Springs Cemetery CR 2603
Holmes Holmes Cemetery San Augustine line
Holt - -
Hooper Hooper Cemetery Paxton Community - -
Hooper-May Hooper-May Cemetery Private Land - -
Hot Hot Cemetery Unk-wn - -
Hutto Hutto Cemetery near Center - -
Huxley Cemetery Unknown - - -
Jackson Jackson Cemetery near Joaquin Gloria B. Mayfield 2009
Joaquin Joaquin Cemetery
Gloria B. Mayfield 2009
Johnson-Fellowship Johnson Cemetery Henrietta
Johnson-Henrietta Johnson Cemetery Tenaha - -
Johnston-Tenaha Johnson Cemetery Fellowship Community
King Family King Cemetery Paxton Communtiy
Latham Latham Cemetery Hurstown
Law Family Law Family Cemetery FM 2608 Private Land
Littleton Littleton Grave CR 1273
Lone Cedar Lone Cedar Cemetery Lone Cedar Missionary Church
Lone Oak Lone Oak Cemetery CR 4577
Lovell Family Lovell Cemetery CR 1057
Lucas Lucas Cemetery CR 1281
Martha Moce Martha Moce Cemetery Private Land
Martin Martin Family Cemetery Private Land
Matlock Matlock Cemetery Neuville
May Family May Family Cemetery CR 3685 Private Land - -
John May - - - -
McClelland McClelland Cemetery FM 147 - -
McNairy Family McNairy Family Cemetery Unk-wn - -
Methodist Church - - - -
Moore-Ellington M.E. Church Cemetery Center
Mt. Herman Mt Herman Cemetery -
Mt. Olive - Mt Olive Church Cathy Powers -
Mt. Pleasant Mt Pleasant Cemetery Mt Pleasant Church
Mt. Zion Mt Zion Cemetery CR 1490
Mull Mull Cemetery CR 1029
Myrtle Head Myrtle Head Cemetery Myrtle Head

Neuville Family Neuville Family Cemetery CR 1057
Neuville Neuville Cemetery FM 2140
New Hope New Hope Cemetery FM 2974
New Prospect New Prospect Cemetery FM 1645
Newburn Newburn
FM 2026 - -
North Jericho north Jericho Cemetery CR 3671 -
Oak Grove Cemetery - - - -
Oaklawn Oaklawn Cemetery Center - -
Oates at Day School Oates Cemetery Day School - -
Oates Oates Cemetery Private Land - -
Ogden - - - -
Old Center Old Center Cemetery CR 699 Gloria B. Mayfield -
Old Home Old Home Cemetery updated CR 4455 Fran Heugatter -
Old Salem Old Salem FM 711
Old Texan Old Texan (J.M. Bradley) Unk-wn
Oliver Oliver burial Site FM 138 Private Land
Patroon Patroon Cemetery CR 2261
Payne Payne Cemetery FM Road 2922 Private Land
Permenter Permenter Cemetery FM 139
Pilgrim Rest Pilgrim Rest Cemetery FM 699
Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Cemetery FM 2428
Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Cemetery CR 1470
Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill Cemetery Forestry Road 126
Frank Potts Potts, Frank
CR 1054
Powdrill Powdrill Cemetery FM 138
Price-Campti Price Cemetery CR 3094 Private Land
Price Lone Cedar Price Cemetery Lone Cedar
Pull Tight Pull Tight Pine Hill
Rey-lds Cemetery CR 2427 - - -
Ramah Ramah Cemetery SH 84 Gloria B. Mayfield
Rather Rather Cemetery Hurstown
Restland Restland Cemetery Tenaha - -
Reynolds - -
Sample Samples Cemetery Foresty Road 165
Sandhill Sandhill Cemetery CR 1024 Brenda Woodell -
Sanford Sanford Cemetery aka Borders CR 1023 - -
Sardis Sardis Cemetery FM 414
Shady Grove Shady Grove Cemetery CR 4175
Shelbyville Shelbyville Cemetery SH 87 Leonard Irish & Ray Jackson -
Shofner Shofner Cemetery CR 2922 - -
Sholar Sholar Cemetery-2009 CR3-3831 Gloria B. Mayfield -
Short Short Cemetery  2009 CR 1005 Gloria B. Mayfield -
- Short Cemetery south of Center Brenda Woodell -
Sinclair Sinclair Cemetery CR 1057
Smith Eli Family Eli Smith Family Cemetery SH 84 Private Land
Smith-Hayden Smith-Hayden CR 4360
Smith-James Smith Cemetery James Comm
Smith-Jones Smith-Jones CR 3790
Spann's Chapel Smith-Jones CR 3790
Stanley Family Stanley Family Cemetery CR 1021
Strong Strong Cemetery FM 139
Tatum Family Tatum Family Cemetery SH 96 near Flat Fork CR
Tennessee Tennessee Cemetery  2009 Tenaha- Timpson Gloria B. Mayfield -
The Trails End - - - -
Thompson Thompson Cemetery CR 147
Timpson Missionary
Timpson Missionary
US 59 Gloria B. Mayfield
Truitt Truitt Cemetery Joaquin
Floyd Turner Turner, Floyd CR 1140 Private Land - -
Tyer-Tyre Tyre-Tyer Cemetery SH 87 - -
Union Union Cemetery SH 96-SH 87 - -
Walker Walker Cemetery Private Property Gloria B. Mayfield -
Waterman Waterman Cemetery CR 1548 - -
Weaver Weaver Cemetery near Timpson James P. Barrett -
West Hamilton West Hamilton Cemetery Forest Rd 2821
Wheeler Wheeler-Walnut Grove CR 1488
White Rock White Rock Cemetery w of Center
Whiteside-Henry Whiteside Cemetery Weaver Community James P. Barrett -
Whitton Whitton Cemetery CR 1060 - -
Wilkerson Cemetery   SH 7 - -
Willow Grove Willow Grove Cemetery CR 3343 Gloria B. Mayfield -
Wilson-Haywood Wilson Cemetery (Stockman) FM 139 Private Land - -
Wimberly-Rayburn - - - -
Windham Wimberly-Rayburn CR 3172 - -
Windham-Oliver-Parker Windham Cemetery Patroon - -
Woodlawn-Timpson Windham-Oliver-Parker CR 2026 Private Land Ray Jackson -
Lost Cemeteries - - - -

If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use the
Query Board  or
For queries when the county is not known, post here.

Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.
All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield

Copyright/page design by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009