Mrs. Mollie Hughey Obits
Woosley Cemetery
Rains Co. Cemeteries of TX
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
Rains Co. Leader Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
September 17, 1920
Tribute of Respect in Memory of Mrs. Mollie Hughey
Mrs. Mollie Hughey, our companion, mother and aunt, who after several weeks' illness surrendered her life to her Heavenly Father, who called her home to rest. She bore her suffering with great patience. As she realized several days before her time had come, she did not murmur at the summons of Providence, of the God of her salvation, whom she had learned to trust, as the only one who can help in the time of need. Mollie, as she was known among friends and loved ones, was one of sincere purpose to do whatsoever her hands to do in ministering to the needy who came into her little realm. She was satisfied with doing her best and leaving the result in God's hand. So she lived a consistent Christian life and a Worthy member of the Woosley Baptist church, which she joined in early life, until her Father's call to come meet the friends and loved ones "just over" in the heavenly land. No more in this like shall we see her. Her genial smile and hearty hand will pass this way no more. Yet we shall love to think of her whose noble human heart bore never a trace of hypocrisy; in whose generous spirit there was neither guile or deceit; whose hands did not tire of good deeds. She was laid to rest in the Woosley
Cemetery September 1, 1920 (by her infant babe who passed away August 6, 1920) in the presence of a large assembly of relatives and friends, funeral services being conducted by Bro. Dement and Bro. Nickleson, an old friend and acquaintance of the family. She was 28 years of age, was reared in Rains County and was the daughter of Mr. G.W. Luckett, having been married to Mr. Elmer Hughey, June 13, 1909. To them were born four children. She is survived by her husband and three small boys and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death.---Fannie Mae Jaggers and Leotha Irwin