Rains Co TX Obits
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
Rains County Leader
May 31, 1929
Mollie Vincent
Good Woman Called to Her Reward
One of God’s noble women has been called to her eternal reward and kindred and friends are left to mourn her departure. Mrs. Mollie, wife of the late M.A. Vincent, died about 8:30 o’clock Monday morning, after an illness of about eight days, and her spirit has gone on to join the innumerable throng in the world beyond after the best medical skill and united efforts of relatives and friends had done all within their power to detain her. Aunt Mollie, as she was known to relatives, friends, and acquaintances, was a devout member of the Methodist Church, casting her lot with the lowly Nazarene when but a lass, and had continued steadfast throughout her long and useful life, which drew to a close just before she had reached the seventy-fourth milepost. She was gentle, kind, and true, and never knew when she had reached the limit in service to her family, friends and community. Aunt Mollie’s life was a noble and unselfish life, and truly an example to her fellowman. She is survived by one son and two daughters:
M.M. Vincent of Emory; Mrs. B.R. Hall of Emory, and Mrs. Annie Hoskins of Loop, Texas, who were all at her bedside when the end came. Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Church in Emory Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Chester Harris, assisted by Rev.
J.H. Watson of Ginger. Mrs. D.L. Nabors sang as a solo, “Death Is Only A Dream,” and the floral offering was magnificent. A large crowd was in attendance. Burial took place at Prospect, following the funeral service, about three miles west of Emory, where several hundred friends and acquaintances had gathered to pay their last respects. The Leader joins with the many friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved in the loss of Mother.