Rains Co. Leader Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
December 15, 1933
Last rites for Mrs. Bishop held at Point
Point, Dec. 11,1933 - Final rites were observed here Saturday for Mrs. Sirth Elizabeth Bishop, 69, known Point woman who died at her home here after an illness of six months duration. The services were held at the Union Church conducted by the Rev.
C.M. Martin of Emory, followed by burial in the Lone Star cemetery. Mrs. Bishop was born on July 20, 1864 in Alabama and October 27, 1887 was married to
W.O. Bishop. Two years later the family moved to Lone Oak and later moved to Point. Since 1876 Mrs. Bishop had been a member of the Baptist Church and was a conscientious Christian. Surviving are her husband and nine children, Ernest Bishop of Durant, Okla.; Marvin Bishop of Tulsa, Okla.; Claude Bishop of Point; Spurgeon Bishop of Dallas; Claude Bishop of
McCamey; Eulys Bishop of Carlton, Texas; Walter Bishop of McCamey; Mrs. Nettie Cole of Dallas and Mrs. Arbie Barkley of Point. A brother Alvin Barkley of Gray, N.M. and a sister, Mrs. Laura Stafford of Lone Oak, also survive.