Rains Co. Leader Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
March 24, 1932
Mrs. Susie Ritchey Passes Monday Night
Mrs. Susie Elizabeth Ritchey, 69, passed to her reward sometime during Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Robertson, on Quitman street. She had suffered with leakage of the heart for some time, but seemed to be in her usual health when the family left her about ten o’clock Monday night, but when she was called next morning she was found cold in death, with her hands folded across her breast, apparently having died without a struggle. Mrs. Ritchey was well know and loved by all who knew her, for her lovely traits of character. She had been a worthy and beloved member of the Christian Church and many hearts will beat softer in memory of her life. She was born in the South part of Hopkins county and more than half of her life was spent as a citizen of Rains county. She had passed her 69th milepost, a conscientious Christian, a loving mother and a kind friend to all with whom she came in contact. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charlie Robertson, of Emory, and one son, Robert, of Comanche. Her remains were buried in the Henry’s Chapel Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, following funeral services at the home, conducted by Elder
W.N. Jarrett. The Leader joins with friends and neighbors in offering condolence to the bereaved family.