Unmarked Graves From Obits
Henry's Chapel Cemetery
Rains Co. Cemeteries of Tx
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
Listed BelowRobertson, Beula: Mrs. Branham and Baby Dead: Rev. Joe Reed: Mrs. Susie Ritchey : T.J. Robertson : Mrs. Sarah Stuart
Rains County Leader, Sept 11, 1908
Mrs. Branham and Baby Dead
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Branhan died Sunday evening and Mrs. Branhan,
the mother, followed her babe to the Great Beyond about 12 o'clock Tuesday. The
family formerly lived on the Robt. Cooke place in the Willow Springs
neighborhood and had just recently moved to town. We understand that the cause
of her death was malaria and complications, which the physicians could not
control. Her remains were interred in the Henry's Chapel graveyard Wednesday.
The Leader sympathizes with the bereaved family.
Rains Co. Leader, August 13, 1915
Accidentally Shoots Self
Rev. Joe Reed, who lived about four miles north of Emory, accidentally shot
himself with a 22-calibre rifle last Friday afternoon which resulted in his
death about 5 o'clock Saturday morning. The shot took effect in his side and
passed through his stomach. There was no one with him at the time, but it was
thought that he was cleaning the gun when the accident occurred. Mr. Reed leaves
a wife, having only been married about a month. His remains were interred in the
Henry's Chapel cemetery Saturday afternoon. The Leader offers condolences
to the bereaved.
Rains Co. Leader, March 24, 1932
Mrs. Susie Ritchey Passes Monday Night
Mrs. Susie Elizabeth Ritchey, 69, passed to her reward sometime during Monday
night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Robertson, on Quitman street.
She had suffered with leakage of the heart for some time, but seemed to be in
her usual health when the family left her about ten o’clock Monday night, but
when she was called next morning she was found cold in death, with her hands
folded across her breast, apparently having died without a struggle. Mrs.
Ritchey was well known and loved by all who knew her, for her lovely traits of
character. She had been a worthy and beloved member of the Christian Church and
many hearts will beat softer in memory of her life. She was born in the South
part of Hopkins county and more than half of her life was spent as a citizen of
Rains county. She had passed her 69th milepost, a conscientious Christian, a
loving mother and a kind friend to all with whom she came in contact. She is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charlie Robertson, of Emory, and one son, Robert,
of Comanche. Her remains were buried in the Henry’s Chapel Cemetery Wednesday
afternoon, following funeral services at the home, conducted by Elder W.N.
Jarrett. The Leader joins with friends and neighbors in offering
condolence to the bereaved family.
Rains County Leader, January 22, 1909
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
T.J. Robertson Dead
Mr. T.J. Robertson, one of Rains county’s prominent farmers, died suddenly at
his home just north of town last Friday morning of blood poison. He had, about a
week before his death, had a tooth extracted and was suffering with tonsillitis,
and the poisoning set up in his neck and head, which caused his death in about a
week in spite of all the medical skill and careful nursing that could be done
for him. Mr. Robertson was a native Mississippian and was about 55 years old. He
has been a resident of Rains county about 20 years and enjoyed the confidence
and respect of a large circle of acquaintances. He leaves a wife and several
children to mourn the loss of companion and father. His remains were interred at
the Henrys Chapel graveyard Saturday evening in the presence of a large crowd of
relatives and friends, Rev. C.M. Martin conducting the funeral service. The
Leader offers its sympathy to the bereaved family
Robertson, Beula
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
3 July 1909 - 13 Nov 1909
d/o T.J. & Cordie Robertson
Rains County Leader, Nov 19, 1909
The Leader sympathizes with Mrs. T.J. Robertson in the loss of her little
5-months old baby, who died Saturday night. Its remains were buried at Henry’s
Chapel Sunday evening
Rains County Leader, April 23, 1909
Mrs. Stuart Dead
Mrs. Sarah Stuart died at her home in the north part of town last Friday
morning, after a two or three months illness. Her remains were laid to rest
Saturday in the Henry’s Chapel grave yard, Rev. D.W. Garvin conducting the
funeral service. She leaves five children to mourn her loss, as follows: Mrs.
J.T. Davidson, Mrs. Will Davidson, Miss Johnnie Wallace and Ed and Sudie Stuart,
the last three living at home with their mother. The Leader offers its
sincerest sympathy to the bereaved relatives and orphan children.
Rains County Leader, April 30, 1909
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
In Memory of Mrs. Sallie Stuart
Death has again entered a home and taken from it its light and hope, in the
person of a mother. Five children are left to mourn her loss. No other name on
earth is so sweet and precious as mother. Her love is likened unto the love of
Christ, in its purity, strength and self-sacrifice. No cross is too heavy for a
mother to bear if by its bearing she can do anything to increase or insure the
well being of her loved ones.
Years ago this estimable woman put on Christ in the ordinance of baptism, and
became a devoted member of the Baptist church. She never neglected her Christian
duties and tried in her humble way to be a true friend to the orphan and widow.
The three children at home now are left to face a cold world without the counsel
of the one who could best direct their steps; but children, she is not dead, but
sleeping, in the presence of Christ. In the midst of a host of shining angels
waits to welcome you home. Remember her loving words: Try to live as she would
have you live, and always remember your mother’s friends are your friends, and
they will gladly give a helping hand to keep you on the road to heaven. To the
bereaved daughters that are married: We can say, mourn not as those without
hope, for Christ will wipe away all tears from the eyes of those who love and
trust Him.
Oh, Christ, be Thou our guide and stay, and from this sad, sad day we’ll try to
serve Thee as we ought and live in mother’s way.---A Friend