F. C. Whittle Obit

Rains County Leader
Rains Co. Cemeteries of TX

Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay and Patricia Nall

November 26, 1915
Death Visits Emory Saturday Morning
F. C. Whittle Dies After Suffering Few Days from Stroke of Paralysis
Mr. F. C. Whittle, one of our business men and a highly respected citizen of our little city, died at his home on North Ravine Street about one o’clock Saturday morning as a result of a stroke of paralysis he had had about four days previously. He was never able to talk after receiving the stroke but seemed to remain conscious up to the last and his life seemed to pass out quietly into the vale from whence no man returneth, surrounded by all the members of his family.
Mr. Whittle was born in Batesburg county, South Carolina November 8th, 1853, married to Miss Ella Cates October 28th, 1879 and came to Texas in 1885. He is survived by his wife, four children – W.C., John, William and Mrs. A.K. Boswell – all who reside in this city; a sister, Mrs. Nettie Willis of Burg, Arkansas; and another sister who lives in South Carolina. He had been a Christian since early life and a member of and deacon at the Baptist church. He was a good citizen, a lover of home and his family and his passing from this life leaves a ragged edge of sorrow and mourning in its wake. His remains were laid to rest Saturday afternoon in the Daugherty cemetery, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends, Rev. C. M. Martin conducting the funeral services. The Leader would offer its sincerest sympathy and condolence to the mourning companion and sorrowing children.