Emory Cemetery Association
(Rains County Leader, December 1992)
This journal tells the account of the organization of the Emory Cemetery Association and was furnished by Jewell Cooper, secretary-treasurer of the City-Forbis Cemetery Association. Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
February 24, 1904
On Feb. 24th, 1904, the ladies of Emory, moved by a common desire to better the appearance of our city of the dead, met by appointment at the M.E. Church and organized a cemetery association with 18 members. Mrs. Wylie was elected as chairman and we proceeded to elect officers in the regular order by ballot. The following were elected for the first term:
Mrs. Wylie, President
Mrs. Adams, Vice-President
Mrs. Sam Pierson, Secretary
Mrs. McCallon, Treasurer
Motions to arrange for regular dues and time of meeting
made, seconded and decided upon as follows:
Resolved to meet every first and third Friday of each month; dues for ladies 10
cents, for gentlemen 25 cents.
Other questions concerning funds came up but were dismissed till later.
Meeting adjourned to meet again the following Friday week at cemetery for the purpose of clearing if off and fixing up the graves.
Dues paid in: $1.80
Signed, Mrs. Sam Pierson, Sec.
List of charter members:
Mrs. Clendenin | Mrs. Adams | Mrs. Cain | Mrs. Masters |
Mrs. Wylie | Mrs. J.F. Pierson | Mrs. Reeves | Mrs. McCrum |
Mrs. J.W. Pierson | Mrs. Rhodes | Mrs. E. Stewart | Mrs. J.J. Montgomery |
Mrs. McCallon | Mrs. Green | Mrs. S.A. Pierson | Mrs. V.H. Montgomery |
Mrs. Gunter | Mrs. Peeples | |
March 6, 1904
The Association met according to agreement at the
cemetery, bringing hoes, rakes, spades, etc.
Willing active hands soon accomplished the tasks before them and the yard
took on a new air, much more fitting and more expressive of the love and care
which should be bestowed upon the last resting place of loved ones.
After our work there was accomplished, we ladies adjourned to the church to have
our business meeting, hear report of committees, etc.
A committee was appointed to see about securing more land, fencing the old and arranging the details. Ways and means of raising money for our purposes were discussed. Finally an oyster supper was decided upon, and the president appointed a committee to prepare for that and take charge of all arrangements. It was also decided to have cut and sold the wood on new ground provided we got it and in this way swell our treasury.
A committee was appointed to draft the constitution and bylaws for the government of the Association: Mrs. Masters, Mrs. J. Montgomery, Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. McCallon.
Several new members and their dues and subscriptions were brought in by committee on membership.
Meeting adjourned with Lord’s Prayer.
Mrs. S. Pierson, Secretary
April 1, 1904
The Association met on the regular day.
Meeting was called to order, business taken up and disposed of in
following order:
Committee was appointed to negotiate for deed to new land.
The committee was selected from among the gentlemen members.
A committee was also appointed to see about note to be given bank for
money to finish payment on land as the treasury did not contain enough.
The constitution and bylaws were read and adopted unanimously as they stood.
Having no new business, Association adjourned. Several donations were made. IN all, amount turned over to treasurer was $5.25.
The constitution and bylaws as adopted are as follows:
Preamble Whereas it is the part of true respect to honor the memory of those departed; and, Whereas our tenderest regards are shown in providing and caring for a suitable resting place for their remains; and, Whereas no previous arrangements for this
purpose in our town appear adequate; Constitution Article I – Name The name of this body shall be The Emory Cemetery Association. Article II – Object The object of this association shall be to secure grounds and provide and care for the Emory Cemetery at Emory, Texas. Article III – Membership
Article IV – Officers The officers of this Association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer Article V – Powers and Duties of Officers The officers of this Association shall have like powers and perform like duties of like officers in similar bodies. Article VI – Dues
Article VII – Expenditures All expenditures of this association must be made by the Treasurer upon the order of the body and signed by the President. Article VII – Elections The officers of the Association shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of this body, requiring a majority vote to decide; the President and Secretary serving as tellers. Article IX – Meetings
Article X – Quorum Four of the active membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of regular business. Article XI – Privileges
Article XII – Amendments This constitution may be amended at any stated meeting of this Association; it requiring two-thirds vote to alter, provided the proposed changed has been offered and allowed to lie until the second succeeding meeting. Committee: Mrs. S.B. Pierson, Secretary April 18, 1904 The Cemetery Association had a called meeting Monday, April 18th, to see about getting a charter in order to have the deed made and pay for the land. It was decided to have the gentleman members get the charter and have the deed fixed up. A motion was made, seconded and decided upon to borrow $25.00 from the bank, paying back by our dues, donations and our work. A motion was then made and decided upon to get up a dinner in May. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Masters, Mrs. Cain and Mrs. Clendenin were the committee members appointed to solicit donations. One new member, dues collected. Meeting adjourned by repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Clendenin, Sec. Pro Tem June 3, 1904 The Cemetery Association met June 3rd. The meeting was called to order by the President. Business taken up and disposed of as follows: Mrs. Adams was appointed to get the money and
see Mr. Montgomery about sending for charter. Mrs. S.B. Pierson sent in her resignation as secretary, which was accepted, and Mrs. Clendenin was then elected secretary. Number present: 7; dues collected: 70 cents No other business coming before the house, the meeting adjourned by repeating the Lord’s prayer. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary January 21, 1905 The Cemetery Association met Jan. 21st.
The meeting was called to order by the Vice-President.
Business taken up and disposed of as follows: No other business coming up, the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary February 24, 1905 The Cemetery Association met Friday, Feb. 24th. The meeting was called to order by the President and opened by repeating the Lord’s Prayer. A motion was made and acted upon to have a committee to phone Mr. Rabb about posts. A motion also was made and acted upon to see Mr. Fouts and get him to see to selling lots for the cemetery. Another motion was made and decided upon to have an entertainment at the schoolhouse consisting of some program of recitations and music, and serving refreshments such as oysters, etc. Mrs. Birdie Pierson and Mrs. Clendenin were appointed to arrange program. Number present: 6; dues collected: 65 cents. No other business to attend to, the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary April 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met April _____,
the meeting being called to order by the President. Business taken up and disposed of as follows; A motion was made and acted upon to get someone
to put posts in the ground and pay him.
The committee, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Wylie, were appointed to see the
man to do the work. An election of new officers was called for: all the old officers being re-elected. One new member enrolled, Mrs. Spradling. Dues collected: $2.60. Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer, Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary May 5th, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met May 5th. The meeting was called to order by the President. The report of fence committee was made, and it was decided to have fence made like the sample. A motion was made to advertise lots for sale. Dues collected: $2.50. Mrs. McCallon and Mrs. McCrum were appointed to collect back dues. No other business, the meeting adjourned by repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary June 2nd, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met Friday, June
2nd. Meeting
called to order by the President. Business
taken up and disposed of as follows: A motion was made and acted upon to get Mr. Crabb to make a map of cemetery and to pay for work in lots. Ladies’ dues collected: 80 cents. Donation $1.00. No other business to attend to, the meeting adjourned to meet next regular meeting. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary June 16, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met Friday, June 16th. Meeting called to order by the President. Business taken up and disposed of as follows: A committee was appointed to see about plat
being made. IT was then
discussed as how to raise money for fence which is being made.
It was decided to try to get money by selling lots, as many as we
could. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary July 7, 1905 The Cemetery Association met Friday, July 7th.
Business taken up and disposed of as follows (President in the
chair): A motion then was made and acted upon to have an ice cream and weighing party. Dues collected: $1.30. No other business coming up, the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary Sept. 29, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met Friday,
Sept. 29th. Meeting
opened by President. Business
taken up and disposed of as follows: Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Adams were appointed to see to having wood hauled. Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. Clendenin were appointed to see about getting stobs made. Dues collected: 50 cents. No other business to attend to, the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary October 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met on regular
meeting day. The meeting
was called to order by the President. Business taken up and disposed of
as follows: A motion was made and acted upon to have another bridge built. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Birdie Pierson on committee to see about lumber. Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Clendenin were appointed to see Mr. Stuart about surveying lots. Dues collected: $2.10. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary Oct. 27, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met on regular
meeting day. The meeting
was called to order by the President.
Business attended to as follows: It was then decided to ship one carload of wood to Greenville at $2.75 a cord. Committees appointed Mrs. J.F. Pierson, Mrs. Clendenin to see a man to look after a car of wood; Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Birdie Pierson to see the darkeys about hauling wood. Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. McCallon to collect up dues. Dues collected: $1.00. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary Nov. 10, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met on Friday,
Nov. 10. The meeting being
called to order by the President. Business
attended to as follows: A motion was then made and acted upon to sell all the remaining wood to Mr. Montgomery and have it put on the car at $1.95 a cord. No other business, the meeting adjourned to meet next regular meeting day. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary Nov. 24, 1905 The Emory Cemetery Association met Friday, Nov.
24th. The
meeting was called to order by the Vice-President.
Business taken up and disposed of as follows; A committee was appointed to see about having a stile built, ditches fixed and wood cut. This committee being Mrs. J.F. Pierson and Mrs. J.W. Pierson. Mrs. Wylie sends in her resignation as President. Dues collected: 20 cents. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary January 12, 1906 The Emory Cemetery Association met Jan. 12th,
1906, the meeting being called to order by the Vice-President.
Business attended to as follows: A committee of Mrs. McCallon and Mrs. Wylie was appointed to see Mr. Montgomery, get a statement from him about wood and other business in which he was concerned, to collect what he owed the Association on wood, and also to pay Hasser $1.00 for hauling. The secretary was asked to write to Mr. J.W. Martin concerning his lot. The Secretary and Treasurer were appointed to get up a report of what had been done in the Association and have it printed in the paper. A motion was then made and carried to retain all the old officers. Another motion was made and acted upon to let Mr. Montgomery have the rest of the wood hauled and pay him for same. Dues collected: $1.45 Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary February 2, 1906 The Emory Cemetery Association met Friday,
February 2, 1906. The
meeting was called to order by the President.
Business taken up and disposed of as follows: Mrs. McCallon and Mrs. Clendenin were appointed to see Mr. Alexander about working in cemetery. A motion was made and acted upon to change the time of meeting from twice a month to only once a month. The time will be the first Friday in each month. Dues collected: 50 cents. No other business coming up, the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Clendenin, Secretary March 2, 1906 |