Dement Cemetery
Rains County, Cemeteries of Texas
info. provided by Pansy Palmore, granddaughter of Ira Bradford Dement
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
Dement Cemetery located 2.5 miles northeast of Point
Ira Bradford Dement, Sr. is buried in the cemetery along with many slaves
More information as available
Clinton Dement was born in 1855 or 1856. I believe 1855 would be correct. He was listed as 5 years old on the 1860 census.
The following information is taken from : "Dements Through The Ages A Family History and Migration". Volume 2
"Clinton Dement died in Arkansas on November 7, 1891 and is buried in Dement Cemetery in
Wood County, Texas." (Wood Co should be Rains Co.)
Don Eggleston 11/10/02