Rains County Leader
March 19, 1933
Submitted by Elaine Bay Nall
Miss Alma Grace Shultz is Dead Miss Alma Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Shultz of Pilgrim Rest community, died at Greenville Wednesday afternoon shortly after an operation in that city. The funeral service was conducted at the Methodost Church in Emory yesterday afternoon at 2:30 by Rev. Watson and Rev. Martin, and the body was taken to Pilgrim Rest for burial. Miss Shultz was born and reared in the Pilgrim Rest neighborhood, having received her education at the local schools, Ginger and Emory. She was a member of the Methodist church, having professed her faith in early childhood. Surviving are her parents and three sisters, Edith Shultz, Mrs. Roy Klinge and Mrs. Howard Holmes; three borthers, Vance, Hugh and John Keats Shultz. Neer and Lybrand brought the body to Emory Wednesday afternoon. The Leader joins with friends in extending sincere sympathy to the sadly bereaved family.
Pilgrim Rest Cem west section row 11