Rains County Leader
February 10, 1922
Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
Mrs. F.M. Prather died at the family home about 2 miles and a half east of Emory about 7 o'clock Wednesday evening. She had been ill for several months and suffered a stroke of paralysis Tuesday evening, gradually sinking from that time until death came. Mrs. PRather was born in Gainesville, Georgia, being 60 tears old at the time of her death. She was married in Georgia and came with her husband to Texas in 1900, and located in Rains county, where the family has since resided. SHe had been a member of the Baptist church more than 45 years and was a highly respected Christian woman. She is survived by her husband and 7 children, namely:: Mrs. G.C. Spence, I.M. PRather, J.F. PRather, Mrs. W.J. Whizenant, T.V. Prather, Mrs. H.F. Varnon, G.W. PRather, all of whom reside in this county except Mrs. Whisenant, whose home is in Smith county. Funeral services were conducted yesterday evenint at 2 o'clock at the Pilgrims Rest Cemetery by Revs. Stidham and Thomas Dement. The Leader joins with friends in offering condolence to the bereaved family.
Pilgrim Rest cem east section row 21 - Matilda Prather