Duxbury Cemetery

Nocona, Montague County Cemeteries of TX

Submitted by Merry Hill

Comments: Located on the J Sloss land survey 1/2 mile s/w of highway 82 and Bonita junction 11 people are buried there.  Surnames are:  Brigman, Gorden, Hill, Morgan, Travelers.

1.  Travelers baby girl sand stone marker
2.  Child-unknown sand stone marker
3.  William M. Brigman Dec 1850 died 1885 Marker
4.  Sarah F. Hill 1840-1884 White Marble Marker
5.  Richard C. Hill 1836-1885 White marble Marker
6.  Child- Unknown sand stone marker
7.  Infant son of J.J. & Nancy Hill Morgan sandstone marker
8.  Infant of J.J. & Nacny hill Morgan sand stone marker
9.  Unknown - sand stone marker
10. Unknown sand stone marker

These two graves aare adult graves and it is supposed, they are graves of cowboys,
or Drovers on the Chisholm Trail.

11. Gorden, sand stone marker.  This is an adult grave and it once had an iron
fence around it.
12.  Large Cedar tree-32 " in diameter.