Spanish Inscriptions on Tombstones
Hidalgo Co. Cemeteries of TX
Submitted by Frances Isbell
a at
abril April
agosto August
ano, anos year, years
de of [used before woman's married name]
DEP, EPD descanse en pace, rest in peace
dedica(n) he/she (they) dedicate
dia day
e and
edad age [a la edad =at the age]
enero January
esposo, esposa husband, wife
este this
fallecio died
febrero February
hermano, hermana brother, sister
hijo, hija son, daughter
humilde humble
junio June
julio July
le (to) him, (to) her
madre mother
marzo March
mayo May
memoria memory
nacio born
nieto, nieta grandchild
noviembre November
octubre October
padre, padres father, parents
politico, politica in-law an adjective, as in "hijas politicas" daughters-in-law
QEPD May he/she rest in peace
recuerdo memorial
restos remains
septiembre september
sobrino, sobrina nephew, niece
su, sus his/her, their
y and