Rio Grande Valley Veterans Memorial Cemetery

Hidalgo Co. Cemeteries of Tx

Submitted by Rigo Ordaz

With Permission  of Hidalgo Co. Historical Commission (2005)

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LOCATION: South of Mission, at intersection of South Inspiration Road and Military Parkway.

SURVEY: Pending. Cemetery under construction 2005-2007.

HISTORY: Construction of the 75-acre Rio Grande Valley Veterans Memorial Cemetery was begun in fall, 2005 and is scheduled for completion in early 2007. As a result of House Bill 310 (2001) submitted by State Representative Ismael Flores of Mission, a Texas State Veterans Cemeteries System was created. The Hidalgo site is the first of seven state veterans cemeteries to be distributed geographically across the state.


The property was donated by Rhodes Enterprises, Inc. of Mission, a development company. The Veterans Administration will pay construction, equipment, and design costs; the state of Texas is responsible for maintenance and operating costs. Capacity is 25,000 burials. The property will include an assembly area, memorial walk, and information center.