Hidalgo Co. Cemeteries of Tx

Submitted by Frances Isbell

With Permission  of Hidalgo Co. Historical Commission (2005)

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LOCATION:  Southeast corner of intersection of E. Illinois and E 10th Sts, Weslaco

SURVEYED:  Pending, February 2005

HISTORY: In 1921, the newly incorporated City of Weslaco purchased 1.01 acres in Farm Tract 682, Block 141 for a cemetery, and added 5.6 acres in 1926. Earliest interment (a reburial from home] was that of banker-developer Reuben W. Warren 1863-1921.  City founders Ed Couch and Robert L. Reeves and many Weslaco  pioneers are buried here  The Parks & Recreation Department provides maintenance. An additional 5.77 acres on the east is being developed for cemetery expansion in 2005.  Historic Texas Cemetery 2003.