Harris Co. Cemeteries of TX
Submitted by George E. Wolf, Jr
Moses Ashworth was born 1860 LA, the son of Drury Ashworth and Elizabeth Nelson.
The family left Louisiana after the Civil War, was in Colorado Co.,Tx. in the
early 1870's and then settled between Middle Bayou and Taylor Baylor in Harris
Co.,Tx. The property Drury bought bordered on a gully on the north side of the
David McFaddin property. Near this is the HAMMER-McFADDIN CEMETERY.
Moses came to his parents home with his new wife Anna Lewis Thomas. While there
Moses died of smallpox's around 1890. He was buried on this property, location
Later the family moved to Houston and the land sold to Neal A. Dewer.
Info by Trudy S. Ashworth/Jan. 24,2000