Fuquay Cemetery
Franklin Co., Cemeteries of TX
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Erected in Oct 1990 as a Memorial of Respect and Esteem for those whom we love most
Fuquay, Andrew W. 10-13-1879-- 2-23-1880 "1st Grave in Cemetery 1st born of Georgia Ann Bryant & Calvin Sief Fuquay"
Complete Reading done by Maribeth Buce & Barbara Weiss
additional Info provided by Nancy Faulk White Adams
Photos by Lisa K. Mackey
Cemeteries of Texas Coordinator: Dolores I. Bishop
Hague, Georgia Eugenia 2-24-1917 10-12-1981
Hague, John E. 5-16-1883 1-9-1940 Husband of Abbie F.
Hague, Abbie F (Fuquay). 3-21-1894 6-13-1984 Wife of John E. (correction by Lisa K. Mackey)
Hague, John F. 3-5-1919 2-3-1998 TSGT U.S.A. WW II
Hague, Sovola Davis 12-10-1922 2-21-2001 Wife of John F.
Mackey, Melissa Hague 4-9-1929 4-1-1978
Ballard, Luther 1881 1893 D/S with Jane
Ballard, Jane Fuquay 1852 1892 D/S with Luther
Fuquay, Archie W. 2-21-1883 9-5-1960
Fuquay, Della O. 9-3-1883 1-2-1972
Fuquay, Garth A. 4-5-1917 1-10-1985
Rutland, Carl E. 10-19-1897 11-18-1968
Rutland, Lawson 6-25-1872 10-25-1945 Husband of Lee
Rutland, Lee 12-7-1875 4-8-1951
Hamilton, Olin Edward 5-23-1925 9-26-1986 Married Laurie Guthrie 6-10-1948
Guthrie, Billy Jack 11-6-1930 3-20-1995 A1C U.S.A.F. Wed Billie Lou 4-16-1965
Peterson, Betty Sue 4-21-1932 9-16-1992
Guthrie, Chad 2-22-1935 4-18-1990
Guthrie, E.D. 3-7-1902 2-28-1973 Husband of Myra L.
Guthrie, Myra L. 6-16-1901 1-29-1969 Wife of E.D.
Guthrie, Fuquay 8-1929 Son of E.D. & Myra
Bolin, Lomie Guthrie 6-19-1879 2-3-1936
Guthrie, W.M. 10-29-1910 1-27-1911 "Son of W.M. & L.B."
Guthrie, Wm. M. 2-26-1874 1-12-1911 "Husband of Lomie B."
Guthrie, W.D. "Jack" 12-11-1908 11-20-1996 Husband of Flonnie Wooten
Guthrie, Flonnie Wooten 11-11-1911 11-27-1964 Wife of Jack
Edwards, Claudie C. Tullar 7-7-1947 "Age 59"
Cates, Nannie Tullar 4-6-1892 8-14-1960
Guthrie, Hubert Clive 7-4-1900 1-25-1986 "Wed Bertha Cates 12-27-1925"
Guthrie, Bertha Cates 6-19-1900 5-25-1996 Wife of Hubert Clive
Claybrooks, Gladys B. 11-17-1913 3-25-2001
Fuquay, Infant Son one date 1-14-1928 "Son of F.W. & Willie Fuquay"
Fuquay, Baby Boy one date 3-25-1918 " " " " "
Fuquay, Baby Girl one date 5-8-1917 "Dau. of F.W. & Willie"
Fuquay, Fern W. 4-1-1890 11-2-1921
Fuquay, Infant Son b/d 11-7-1902 "Son of John Fuquay & Wife"
Fuquay, Jessie 2-24-1866 3-2-1895
Fuquay, Arron one date 6-20-1862
Fuquay, Jincy 11-5-1828 3-25-1889 "Wife of John"
Fuquay, John 11-25-1821 8-24-1889 Husband of Jincy
Fuquay, C.S. 3-7-1847 10-16-1922 Husband of Georgia
Fuquay, Georgia 3-29-1852 11-21-1920 Wife of C.S.
Fuquay, Andrew 10-13-1879 "Aged 4 mos. 10 days Son of C.S. & G.A. "
Fuquay, Little Claude 5-9-1881 "Aged 1yr. 2mos. 14 days " " " "
Fuquay, Little Clayton 1-9-1886 "Aged 3yrs. 2mos. 10 days " " " "
Veasey, Lydia Frances one date 1-2-1925
Veasey, Coy J. 4-18-1916 3-22-1997
Veasey, Jessie B. 5-24-1912 6-14-1981
Newberry, Uncle Sidney 4-4-1874 4-2-1951
Newberry, Ida 1884 1944 Wife of Jesse B.
Newberry, Jesse B. 1876 1944 Husband of Ida
Newberry, Blanton 3-21-1904 11-27-1909 "Son of J.B. & Ida"
Stroman, Annie Mae 10-31-1896 8-3-1905
Stroman, Walter Floyd 4-8-1899 12-1-1899
Stroman, Lenora 11-26-1874 9-6-1901
Flowers, Sallie Ann Ennis 9-20-1850 Circa 1888 Wife of Berry L.
Flowers, Inf. Son 5-16-1887 6-7-1887 "Infant Son of B.L. & S.A."
Flowers, Pinkney 2-23-1886 7-30-1888
Norton, Winnie W. 7-15-1907 2-17-1909
Hester, Little Maron 9-18-1899 3-6-1905 "Son of J.S. & Minnie"
Fuquay, Dollie 11-9-1887 12-3-1932
Fuquay, John D. 10-12-1880 11-29-1902
Fuquay, Infant Son b/d 7-26-1902 "Infant Son of W.M. & S.M."
Fuquay, Infant Son b/d 8-1-1897 " " " " " "
Fuquay, Sarah Melissa 2-23-1858 9-31-1922 Wife of Wm. Monroe
Fuquay, William Monroe 12-8-1855 12-4-1930 Husband of Sarah Melissa
Benson, Fannicola 8-30-1902 1-21-1934 "Wife of J.E."
Fuquay, William I. b/d 1901
Fuquay, Herbert H. 1894 1896
Fuquay, Rosa J. 2-25-1875 10-3-1963 Wife of W.A.
Fuquay, W.A. 1-29-1869 12-9-1945 Husband of Rosa J.
Taylor, Infant Son one date 1899 "Infant Son of Dr. F.O. & Wife"
Whitehorn, J.H. 12-21-1853 10-16-1936 Husband of Susan
Whitehorn, Susan 8-5-1854 11-26-1926 Wife of J.H.
Wooten, Elba Nichols 8-8-1929 3-22-1983 Wife of Winfred B. Children: Danny, Dana, Deann, David, Duane, Darien, Deborah
Wooten, Aurora Sims 7-14-1893 10-17-1979 Wife of Daniel W.
Wooten, Daniel W. 3-12-1889 1-2-1971 Husband of Aurora Sims
Wooten, Loyd D. 11-25-1913 5-23-1973 TX SGT AAF WW II
Wooten, Leroy 7-12-1923 10-9-1934
Wooten, Inf. Son
Wooten, Joel E. 9-26-1890 4-6-1906 "Son of D. & Sallie"
Wooten, Sallie A. 3-11-1850 1-5-1908 "Wife of D.W."
Wooten, D.W. 2-21-1860 10-9-1948 Husband of Sallie A.
Easterling, Infants b/d 1890 "Infants of J.C. & Laura"
Stroman, C.L. Jr. 11-14-1929 1-3-1988 Married Eloise Fuquay 11-15-1952 Children: Mike & Jan