Unknown Cemetery
Fort Bend Co Cemeteries of TX
If you have any information on this person Please contact Me Gloria
Our client has discovered a lone headstone in an undeveloped,
rural area near Missouri City, Fort Bend County, Texas - on the cusp of Harris
and Ft.Bend Counties. The location is near the 11,400 Block of State Highway 6.
The inscription is:
Lola V. Harris
Jan. 15, 1838
Age 65 years
We have been unable to locate any information for this deceased. We will be
going to the location of the headstone tomorrow to determine the possibility of
this burial and/or others. If we determine that there is little probability of
any burials at this location, we would like to return the headstone to its
proper location. Could you possibly assist us? Thank you.
Best regards,
Bob d'Aigle