Cemeteries of Comal County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated:-May 21, 2009

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs- or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use- the- Query Board--- or- For queries when the county is not known, post here. - Unknown Counties Query Board



Many Thanks to Wanda Qualls,

and Catharine Schwarz

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter other Photo
Bartels Cemetery Esser CrossingGuadalupe River Hwy 311 Catharine Schwarz - -
Beierle Cemetery Off ranch road 311 Wanda Qualls - -
Bracken FR 2252 Wanda Qualls - -
Brewer Cemetery Fischer - - -
Dugger Cemetery Guadalupe County- Wanda Qualls - -
Conrads Cemetery Hunter - - -
Cranes Mill Cemetery Smithson Valley - - -
Elbel Cemetery Spring Branch- Catharine Schwarz - -
Fischer Store Cemetery   Wanda Qualls    
Forshage Cemetery Bulverde - - -
Gerhardt Cemetery - - - -
Grave Cemetery - - - -
Haug Cemetery - - - -
Heimer Cemetery - - - -
Hillert Cemetery - - - -
Hitzfelder Cemetery - - - -
Honey Creek Cemetery Bergheim- Catharine Schwarz -DPete21911@aol.com -
Hortontown Cemetery SH 46 Wanda Qualls    
Jonas Cemetery Smithson Valley - - -
Kabelmacher Cemetery Hunter - - -
Koch Cemetery Koch Road Catharine Schwarz - -
Kohlenberg Family Cemetery FM 1101 Wanda Qualls - -
Kraft Cemetery Smithson Valley - - -
Krause Cemetery Anhalt Catharine Schwarz - -
Kruestler Cemetery Bat Cave - - -
Kunkel Cemetery Bat Cave - - -
Kupferschmidt Cemetery George Reininger Catharine Schwarz - -
Lieck Cemetery Off IH10- Wanda Qualls - -
Lex Cemetery Hwy 46 Catharine Schwarz - -
New Braunfels Cemetery New Braunfels Wanda Qualls HM  
Old York Cemetery IH 35 & Peach St Janet Rodriguez -

Panteon Hidalgo Cemetery New Braunfels E - - -
Rosenthal Cemetery - - - -
Rust Cemetery Smithson Valley- Catharine Schwarz - -
Sahm Cemetery Schertz - - -
Saur Cemetery Bergheim - - -
Scheele Cemetery Anhalt Catharine Schwarz - -
Schlather Cemetery Bulverde- Wanda Qualls - -
Schumannsville Cemetery Guadalupe County- Wanda Qualls - -
Shuler or Story Cemetery Gonzales County Wanda Qualls - -
Simon Cemetery Smithson Valley - - -
Smithson Valley Cemetery Smithson Valley - - -
Spangenberg Cemetery Fischer Wanda Qualls  
Stapper Cemetery  Off IH10 and Trainer Hale Wanda Qualls - -
St. Joseph's Cemetery-(#2) Honey Creek Wanda Qualls - -
St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery 2 Honey Creek Catharine Schwarz - -
St Joseph Church Honey Creek Robert K. Hankins -
Uecker Cemetery - Wanda Qualls - -
Voges Cemetery Off Hwy 281 Wanda Qualls - -
Wehe Cemetery Anhalt Catharine Schwarz - -
Weidner Cemetery Smithson Valley - - -
Weidner Cemetery1 Bulverde - - -
Weidner Cemetery2 Bulverde - - -
York Creek Cemetery Hunter - - -
Zion Cemetery Guadalupe County Wanda Qualls - -

If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board   

or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.

  Unknown Counties Query Board


Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Gloria B. Mayfield   


Copyright/page design  by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009