Mt. Hope Cemetery
Wells Cherokee County, Texas
Cemeteries of Texas Coordinator: Dolores I. Bishop
Information provided by the State of Texas Atlas Site
1.5 mi. NW of Wells on CR 2626 (Homer-Alto Road)
Joseph and Mary Bowman were married in Tennessee in the early 1800s.
They moved their family to Missouri, then Mississippi and finally came to
Texas with Stephen F. Austin's colony. Joseph, John J. (1807-1890) and
James H. (1820-1886) Bowman fought in the Texas War for Independence
from Mexico. James H. Bowman never married. In 1875 he offered one hundred
acres of land to the Rev. W. D. Lewis (1819-1898) of the Barsola community to
come to Mt. Hope community and establish a Methodist church at that location.
Bowman gave adjacent land for a cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Lewis accepted his
proposal. In November 1875, Mrs. Margaret (Ruby) Hicks, the wife of farmer
Jasper Hicks and mother of Jess Hicks, died and was the first person to be
interred on this site. The church was moved to nearby Wells after the railroad came
through in 1886, the year that James H. Bowman was interred in Mt. Hope Cemetery.
Among the early settlers buried here are members of the Bailey, Beasley, Bowman,
Chapmon, Creekmore, Chandler, Cravens, Dubose, Doyle, Humphrey, Falvey,
Hillencamp, Hicks, Lees, Lockhart, Luce, Lewis, Ruby, Spinks, Shamess, Stokes,
Sneed, Sessions and Tyra families. Those interred here include area farmers and
ranchers, teachers, doctors, business and civic leaders, and elected officials including
former mayors, county commissioners and state legislators. Of the more than 1800 people
interred on 13.2 acres at the dawn of the 21st century, more than two hundred were veterans
of major wars and military conflicts, including eight Confederate veterans. The cemetery is a
memorial to the pioneers of this area. (2000