Mount Zion United Methodist Church and Cemetery
Alto Cherokee County, Texas
Cemeteries of Texas Coordinator: Dolores I. Bishop
Information provided by the State of Texas Atlas Site
4 miles northeast of Alto on FM 241
Marker :
Although few written records of this church exist
before 1871, it is thought that the congregation was organized
just prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1871 the fellowship
built a sanctuary at this site during the pastorate of the Rev. Jehu
John Allen. The Mount Zion Church has produced several Methodist
ministers from its membership. Part of the land deeded to the church
by William Collier in 1871, by Wiley P. Cole in 1872, and by H. N. Lusk
in 1882 has served the area as a public cemetery. The earliest marked
grave, that of Hester Cole, is dated 1874