Cemeteries of Cameron County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated:-July 13, 2009

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs- or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use- the- Query Board--- or- For queries when the county is not known, post here. - Unknown Counties Query Board

San Benito Funeral Home
1400 West 77 Sunshine Strip
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 361-9192
Santos Canales @ Cameron County Hist Comm
140 Gil Drive #5, San Benito TX 78586
Santa Rosa Funeral Chapel
N 102 Main St
Santa Rosa, TX 78593
(956) 636-9237

A Harlingen Cemetery Chronology  ******* The Harlingen Cemetery

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter Other Picture


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Alejandro Garza Memorial (Leal's - in San Pedro)

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Anacuitas (Monte Grande)  ****

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Ashland Cemetery (previously Loma Linda Cemetery)

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- Texas Handbook -


Brownsville City Cemetery Brownsville -partial- transcription News Article- HM

Bruley Plantation

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Buena Vista

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Cavazeno ( I marker) -may be Erasmo Becerra marker

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Cavazos (Santa Maria)

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Champion (Santa Maria)

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Combes Memorial Park Cemetery (P) Combes Santos v Canales - Janice M. Byington -

David Escamilla Cemetery @ El Calaboz

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El Alzadon

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El Calaboz

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El Carmen (in San Pedro) Cabrera

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El Mesquite -FM 511 & Port Rd.

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El Muerto

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El Naranjo-Manuel Salazar

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El Pie (Ballenger Farms)

Harlingen Mr. Cole's 7th Grade Social Studies Class at Berta Cabaza Middle School. Submitted by Ofelia Tovar -

Escamilla I @ El Naranjo Community

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Escamilla II

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Esparza Cemetery Brownsville - HM -

Esparza Cemetery @ El Calaboz

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Esparza Cemetery@ El Ranchito

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Frank Ferree (Border Angel)

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Fresnos Resaca

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Garcia (Moises)

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Gomez (Carricitos)

- Angelica R. Flores -

Granjeno (Laguna Atascosa)

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Harlingen Cemetery Harlingen - HM -

Harlingen City  Cemetery

- Angelica R. Flores -

Hebrew Benevolent Society

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Hebrew Cemetery Brownsville - HM -


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Indiana and Southmost (Rabb Plantation)

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Iwo Jima at MMA, Harlingen

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Jack Carpenter Mem.(Rio Hondo

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Juan Ramiro Garcia (backyard)

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La Capilla

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LaFeria Cemetery LaFeria - HM -

La Feria

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La Leona Cemetery

La Leona-Rio Hondo - -


La Muralla - still searching for exact location

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La Palma @ Tejon Rd.

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La Paloma

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La Tina I

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La Tina II

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Las Crucitas (Gutierrez) - still searching for exact location

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Las Rucias Cemetery I (Elizondo)

- Angelica R. Flores -

Las Yescas

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Lerma Ranch Cemetery

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- - HM

Lonqoria Family Cemetery (Blue Town)

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Longoria Cemetery Santa Maria need transcription HM
National Cemetery Brownsville S V Canales - -

Los Alamos Cemetery @ Galveston Ranch (Longoria family)

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Los Coyotes Cemetery - searching for exact location

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Los Cuates (Los Fresnos)

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Los Indios

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Los Olmales (behind Ashland Cemetery)

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Los Sauces

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Los Soldados (Soldiers Cem)

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Lucero Cemetery @ Tejon Road & Stage Coach Trail-- 31 graves under the road to be relocated in 1999

Military (Fort Brown) Cemetery - moved to National Cemetery at Alexandria, Louisiana

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Mont Meta - San Benito

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Moreno - behind Weaver II

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National Cemetery

Brownsville - -


Near floodway - still searching for exact location

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Oklahoma Road and Levee

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Old Brownsville City Cemetery

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Old Garcia

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Old Landrum

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Old San Benito

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Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery Harlington Sabrina Martinez need transcription    

Palm in Field (Hwy 201)

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Palo Alto Battlefield - mass burials - no tombstones

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Paso Real - now in Willacy Co.

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Port Isabel

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Port Isabel Cemetery

Port Isabel

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Raul Cavazos (in San Pedro)


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Resaca de la Palma Battle site - mass burials - no tombstones


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Restlawn - La Feria


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Rio Hondo City


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Rose Lawn - Brownsville


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Russell (in San Pedro)


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Sabas Cavazos (San Pedro)


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Sabas Cavazos Cem


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San Benito Angelica R. Flores -

San Jose (S.B., Bayview)

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San Pedro @ Rancho Viejo

- - HM


San Pedro aka Montemayor (in San Pedro)

- - HM


San Pedro Cemetery @ Adams Farm

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San Vicente I Photo only

Las Yescas Angelica R. Flores -

San Vicente II  Photo only

Las Yescas Angelica R. Flores -


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Santa Isabel

- - HM


Santa Rosalia

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Santo Nombre

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Saturnino Garcia @ Vezzetti property

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Solis - La Feria

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Southmost - San Rafael

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Villa Nueva

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Weaver I @ Wildlife Refuge

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Weaver II

- - HM



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If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use- the- Query Board--- or- For queries when the county is not known, post here. -

Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.---All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield-

Copyright/page design - by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009