Bueche Cemetery
Bexar Co. Tx
The Bueche Cemetery is located at 404 Crestway, Windcrest (San Antonio), Bexar County, Texas.
The Bueche Cemetery has been designated a Historic Texas Cemetery by the
Texas Historical Commission. On Saturday, October 19, 2002, 12 Noon, we
will hold an official dedication of the Historical Designation and unveil the
Historical maker. This event will be attended by state, county, and city
officials. The Bexar County Sheriff's Dept. Color Guard will present the
The cemetery was established in 1892 by A. L. Bueche and has been maintained by
his decedents. It is located on part of the original family farm.
The Bueche family immigrated from Switzerland in the 1800's and settled the area
that was then known as Fratt. C. W. Ackermann, a son-in-law, bought the
farm in 1902 and set aside a parcel of the property as a cemetery. Among
those buried here is his son, Frank, the first Bexar County Deputy Sheriff
killed in the line of duty in modern time. Also, his other son, Alfred,
who farmed the property until his death. He was also an original
incorporator of the City of Windcrest.
Our annual day is currently scheduled for the third
Saturday in May, the next being May 17, 2003. The cemetery is about 1 acre
in size, and has about 175 - 200 gravesites. It is still active.
Although mostly family and friends, etc. there are some available lots that the
public can purchase. (Info submitted by Don Ackerman)